One goal to accomplish by different manners

save_planetOur team is, as I think , an engrossing one because, as its name is, it is a miscellaneous team. Each member of our group has his/her own specific behavior that has been changed. And as a result, we had different ways to deal with it as our objectives were not the same. One wants to reduce the CO2 emission, the other wants to reduce the use of paper, one other wants to reduce waste, and I want to reduce the use of water. However, despite our different aims, we all had to overcome the issue of time, money and material availability, and especially our self-preoccupation .Moreover, all of us also had the determination to change our behavior in order to make ourselves successful in our tasks. But, our final goal is still the same, which is to act better for the environment.

Having this community has influenced my way to view my experience in the fact that everybody had barriers to overcome. But  I think, the others’ barriers were even harder than the ones I had. And that made me think that I should have done more things than changing the way I brush my teeth in order to reduce my water usage. I was also really impressed by one of the member of my group’s SBC, which is to pick up the trash on campus. This is because he endured what the others have done because he tried to diminish the bad effects on the environment by the other people , in addition to his willing to change his behavior, and the rest of us has just lower our own  impact on the environment. And now, I am more willing to improve my my behavior toward the environment in other ways than the actual one I am already doing.  And, as far as I’m concerned, promoting a better environment is not being accomplished by changing only one behavior. So, we need to deal on the environmental problems on every aspect, such as the CO2 emission, the use of technology, the water usage or the waste management. This is really important that everybody work together to act better for the environment, as it needs to be healed nowadays.

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