Two heads are better than one

My community was interesting because it was titled “miscellaneous” so there really wasn’t a focus to our group. If there was one thing that I noticed about our group it was that we all used “helping the environment” as a motivation to continuing our practice. I think we as a whole really cared about what we were doing and didn’t just dread what we were doing every day. I think my SBC differed most from Marcellus because his behavior could be influenced by his community. By receiving rides or being persuaded to drive his car. My challenge was very individual, I would wake up in the morning, do my task and then get on with my day, most of my friends were asleep at the time! The morning routine is something I can definitely see commonalities with Aliza. She had to get used to waking up and changing her morning routine just like I did. Making a morning routine is especially difficult because your usually tired and not in the frame of mind to change a behavior.

I think the community idea reminded me that this was a class activity and it really enhanced my experience with the SBC. To be honest, before asking me to look at other members blogs I never had. Seeing other classmates blogs made me realize were going through the same struggles! If I were to redo the SBC I would have talked to my classmates more about our struggles and what they did to get through it, or made a benefit system with a friend to see who can keep their behavior the longest. Overall, the community made me realize that we actually did make a significant impact and if I interacted and communicated with classmates at the start of the SBC it would have helped me get through  my behavior much easier.


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