What A Support Team!

As I undergo the last few weeks of my sustainable behavior challenge, I think it’s interesting and worthwhile to take a look at my start and present situation. Although showering nowadays this close to finals is not necessarily one of my priorities, it is still a necessary essential.  At this point I can say that when I do shower I am naturally more conscience of my showering habits.

As I looked through the experiences of those who took on similar behaviors, I was able to get a lot of useful recommendations. My initial way to  time myself was to use a waterproof watch! When that plan failed, I was intrigued as to the methods they used to overcome the timing barrier. One method that seemed to work for various of them was using music as a timer. Once I saw this I was surprised that this idea never crossed my mind. Music playing in the background as you shower not only sounds delightful and relaxing but it is also an effortless way to change one’s behavior. As I looked at this as a solution I was surprised to find that there is a shower-head on the market that also works as an MP#3. Although I will not be purchasing such an item for this challenge, the information could deem itself useful to me  and anyone else.

MP3 Showerhead!
MP3 Showerhead!

I think the similarities across the board included the inability to either go along with task at the beginning or more specific to a  college student, there are difficulties faced generally in dorm bathrooms.Overall I do believe that those of us who decide to shorten our shower lengths generally saw good benefits from this change. We all agreed on showers being enjoyable and a good way to release stress and refresh from the day but for the majority, the way we went about accomplishing that goal was basically similar.

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