Life among the Truffulas…

This past week, I sat down to watch a movie the-lorax-movie-poster1on a Friday night.  That movie was Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax.  This movie portrays a futuristic world where a lack of environmentalism and conservation has become such a problem that in order to breathe clean air, citizens must buy it.  There isn’t a single tree inside or outside the city.  It took the motivation of one young boy (who wants to impress a girl) to search out the last Truffula tree seed.  In order to do this, he had to overcome the citizens who didn’t want change and the companies who would lose profit because of trees.  He fights through all of these obstacles and eventually convinces the town that it is wort giving trees a try.  With support, he was unstoppable.

This is kinda like my current situation.  Eating meat has become a social norm.  Despite the benefits of vegetarianism, it’s not a social norm.  This creates its problems with trying to switch and img11maintain a vegetarian diet.  Throughout this challenge, I have had to deal with these challenges.  To help me get through this challenge, I needed some support.  Hailey and I eat lunch together every day.  We will either joke about eating meat or praise each other for not eating it.  At first, my friends would question why I wasn’t eating meat and how I would get protein.  After explaining my motivations, I was left alone.  It took getting to the other side of the that big wall for the challenges to decrease.  Getting there took some effort, but it was well worth it.

As a way to help keep my my morale high, I have been focusing on the hard work that goes into growing food.  Knowing the problems associated with raising meat, I always assumed that farming was an easy feat.  This made me lose the value of the food that we eat.  Then I watched this video and it made me appreciate the food I eat to a whole new level.

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