Together We Can

Team Less Meat is comprised of five people, including myself. Though we all set the goal to reduce our meat consumption, everyone’s personal goals of how often they were going meatless was different. Over the past few weeks we have all seen successes, but we have all struggled at least a little with reducing our meat consumption, mainly because our eating habitats are so ingrained into our “dining hall routine.”  After reading everyone’s posts I have seen that we all have similar struggles.

One of the major barriers we had to overcome was trying to be meatless when everyone else around you is eating meat. Meals are one of the biggest social times of my day. For an hour I sit with no homework and just talk with my friends. Having to worry about what you can and cannot eat is sometimes hard- or you simply forget. Many of the others in my community tried to convince their friends to go meatless, which is never easy. I think that having Emily, also on Team Less Meat, be my support system and hold me accountable throughout this challenge has made reducing my meat consumption much easier. I highly suggest to others who are considering reducing meat consumption that having a friend or even a group of friends share in your challenge will make it so much easier. Not only do you have someone to make sure you are following through with your goals, but you also have another set of eyes to look for a delicious vegetarian option on those days when the meat option is every so tempting.

I think forming communities is a great way to help each other through the challenge. Though I think communities would have been more effective earlier in the challenge, having others pushing you through the last leg of the journey is helpful. The last few weeks of the semester are always a stressful time and remembering not to eat meat may not be a top priority. Knowing others are also trying to successfully finish out the sustainable behavior challenge may be that extra motivation one needs. To everyone trying to finish the last week strong: YOU CAN DO IT!

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