A Big Happy Meatless Community

After reading the comments left on my posts and writing some myself I felt that they were very informative and helpful (like a two way street). It was nice in an informative manner that there was someone else out there who also felt the same way you did about leaving meat, that felt the excitement but also second guessing. Yet another person understood my personal tension with being and wanting to be more of an environmentalist yet eating meat like I was not. It also felt nice to be able to help someone to continue their sustainable behavior with my suggestions. Especially when the person had the same barrier that I had feared when I started the sustainable behavior challenge; forgetfulness. But I felt even better when I found someone that used the same food logging journal idea that I used!

I was very interested when reading some of the posts written by my fellow community members. Some of them brought up some interesting points that I had not considered before. That is why I like I having a group. We can bounce ideas off of each other! I felt inspired by a post that I read to continue to do more for those that are vegans and vegetarians, especially since now I have experience with what they go through with Laf’s dining options.

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