Kicking the paper habit: Stepping up to Technology

Environmental Studies class should give you an environmental conscious right? Ironically, I was wasting the most paper taking notes and printing out readings for that class. I print out a 15 page article simply to have the comfort of holding the reading and highlighting it to keep me engaged.

What happens to the pages on pages I print out? I read them once, and then file them away in a binder. How about my notebooks? I write in them and review them, then at the end of the year toss them. Needless to say, my paper consumption to fuel my education is not sustainable.

I always knew there was a way to stop the overuse of paper. I could recognize the change of going paperless. I never adopted this lifestyle because it involved leaving the comfort of something physical and LEARNING how to actually use technology.

I mean I’m not from the older generation, unaccustomed to technology. I grew up surrounded by computers, cell phones, and iPods, but admittedly I know very little about the  technology I use. There is so much untapped potential sitting in the technology I own.

My challenge is to utilize the technology I own to take notes and complete all readings without printing any paper. My challenge starts today with my Envrionmental Studies class and my FYS class.

In the matter of one day I have found alternatives to purposes printed paper served. I learned there is a notepad Microsoft word, and get this, it is meant for note taking! I learned that I highlight all my readings on Adobe Reader, and if I save them as documents I can file them into my Environmental studies folder! I also noticed I can take notes on what I read easily by putting the windows side by side!

Who would have thought I learn so much in a matter of day?

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