Needless to say,”Meat”less to stay

I must be honest I am having much more difficulty than I expected with my sustainable behavior change. I can’t even tell you how many times I have been sitting down for a meal and only realized as I was halfway through that I was eating meat. I am always on the go between my classes, coaching, and work; I quickly grab something to eat without even thinking. That is a huge barrier I have been running into. My time is very limited during the day so for the most part I eat on the go and don’t put much thought into it. When I first started the challenge I payed very close attention to what I was eating but somewhere along the way I resorted back to my bad habit. I think one thing that may help me is making a bunch of signs and hanging them around my room, in my assignment book, and definitely in my wallet. I’m a very visual person and need to write post-it notes to remind myself of things I need to do. Placing many different reminders around my room will implant it into my brain and I will eventually adopt it as second nature. I am also a lover of quotes. I think I am going to try searching Google for quotes related to giving up meat and put some of those up around my room as motivation.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I’ve been having difficulty thinking of a benefit to give myself. Honestly I love the satisfaction when I go a full week without any meat. It makes me feel like I am making a difference for animals out there. I think an incentive for me would be giving myself salsa. (this may sound very strange but bare with me) I absolutely love it and I think if I take it away and use that as a reward for myself at the end of every week that it may increase my success. It’s delicious and always has been one of my favorite foods.

Since beginning my sustainable behavior challenge I have done research on meat and the numerous negative effects it has on us. I’ve also watched countless documentaries that my cousin has sent to me. The things I’ve watched and read I can’t get out of my head. At this point I do want to continue implementing this behavior change even after this semester. I’ve noticed that when I am consciously thinking about it I have no trouble sticking to it but when I let my guard down I struggle. It is going to take a lot of discipline, especially with the holidays coming around the corner, but this is something I strongly believe in and want to continue.


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