healthy teeth + healthy environment

During these two weeks, I finally got to completely change my bad behavior. I am so glad that I could make that step.

As I noticed, changing my behavior was a little hard at the beginning due to the lack of material: I did not have a cup yet, and also, the issue of time: I was always in hurry. But  since I got a cup and I put it in my shower caddy, things became more easier because I did not have to remember to ring the cup to the bathroom anymore, and after brushing my teeth, I just put the cup in the shower caddy which is not a hard thing at all to make me be always with my cup in the bathroom.
To help me enjoy doing  my behavior change, I think myself think that the thing I do is good not only for me because I can have healthy teeth and a good conscience that I am contributing to the well-being of the earth , but also, for the environment by reducing the use of water,  and the other people who can use the water I didn’t spoil. I also think about the people who don’t have an open-access to running water, because, especially back home, I see people fetch water far from their home, which is not easy at all, so they cannot spoil any water. There are even some other people who suffer from drought. Then, it makes me feel like I feel those people’s feeling in my effort to not waste water. And now that I fully realize the very precious value of water, all of that encourages me to save more and more water.
Besides, my new behavior also saves money even if it is not me directly , for now, who feels that benefit. And also, it even helps me practice saving money in water consumption in the future when I will have to pay my own bill.

Finally, brushing my teeth using a cup is surely a behavior that I will continue beyond EVST 100 because, it is not a hard thing to do as soon as you have a cup and stick it with the materials you need and use in the bathroom. Although, the benefit that can be obtained from it is huge, and it does not interdict me to have my teeth properly brushed however.
And I will encourage the other people to do like me as well.































































































































































































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