Money Makes it Better

Coming into this Sustainable Behavior challenge, I knew that the hardest part about achieving my goal would be knowing that each and every day I am going to be very tired after football practices.  I knew that I would dread having to walk or even depend on another person for transportation, but at the same time I knew that I would be able to do it.  Once this behavior started, it was easy for me to continue to stick with it.  The best part about this new behavior is the economic stand point.  Money is my favorite thing in the world, so the largest benefit that I am getting from this is economic.

The hardest part about this has obviously been the fact that I have been having to depend on friends or having to walk as I listed I thought would be in my earlier posts, but it has become almost second nature if I block out driving my car as an option.  I do not need anything to remind me because I know that at the end of the day I am getting a serious reward for my behavior.  I am contributing positively to the environment by not driving my car on campus, and I am getting rewarded for doing so by saving my money.  The cycle is actually very interesting because it is a win-win situation.

I wish I could say that I have some outrageously creative ideas to reward myself or increase my personal benefits but I really do not.  One thing that I can say has worked is becoming aware of my bad habits.  Early on I was thinking that the attitude-behavior approach would not work for me because I am generally a nonchalant person but I have come to realize that it worked on me, it just took me time to realize that it actually has worked.  I learned about how my behavior actually does affect the Earth negatively, the economy negatively, and my personal bank account negatively.  Now that I know about these facts I think about them regularly and that is enough to hold me back from performing this bad habit on a daily basis.

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