In Hot Water? Not Anymore


I don’t mean to brag here, but I’m pretty much the greatest person on the planet. Why, you may ask? I now take showers that last a reasonable amount of time. Yeah, thats right. Back in my 2nd post, I said that the main reason for my absurdly long showers was that I was tired in the morning, and sitting in a nice, hot shower for hours on end was soothing and relaxing. I was nervous at first, as there was no feasible way that I could time myself while in the shower to make sure that I wasn’t taking too long. I would only be able to know my time only after I got out. However, a blessing in disguise revealed itself in the form of Farber’s custodian. Fortunately, he always seems to come into the bathroom 5 or 6 minutes after I enter the shower, at 8:00 on Mondays and Wednesdays and 9:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays (roughly). Right when I hear him come in, I know that I’ve been in the shower for around 5 minutes, so I can time myself accordingly. I stay in for another few minutes, and then get out. Its been working, as I’ve been able to cut my average shower times down to about 8 minutes. Besides from the helpful reminder from the custodian, I do not really need any other reminders or prompts. It has worked remarkably well, so I don’t really think think there is much of a need to do anything else.

I don’t know what she’s so happy about. THINK ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT!!!

In terms of a reward, I am slightly embarrassed to reveal that I allow myself to splurge and take a longer shower every Sunday. However, “long” is relative. My Sunday shower might be 10 or 11 minutes, a few minutes longer than my (and the national) average, but it is still SIGNIFICANTLY shorter than what it used to be. This is actually a very effective way to reduce barriers. I allow myself to have a nice, relaxing Sunday shower, which makes the rest of the week seem much more palatable.

If I were to be asked the question “Would you continue to limit your shower times even after this challenge has concluded?”, my answer would be an emphatic “yes”. There is really no good reason for me not to. My previous shower habits wasted hundreds of gallons of water a week, and I didn’t really get any benefits out of it. It was a bad habit perpetuated by laziness and apathy. However, after knowing the environmental impacts of my previous behavior and how simple and easy it was fix, I will no doubt continue with my new shower habits.

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