A New Best Friend


Now, two weeks in, I’ve settled into a nice routine. My laptop has become my best friend. It comes with me everywhere. I like to think it has become accustomed to traveling in my backpack daily. We spend way more bonding time together and have developed quite the relationship. Sadly, I think my notebooks, pens, and planners are getting lonely. It’s been two weeks since I’ve touched my notebooks, pens, or printed out readings. I mean I’ve even adopted to scheduling myself via my computer’s calendar. The computer calendar is much more organized than my sloppy handwriting and sticky notes on my worn calendar handbook, plus it gives me nice reminders! The only barrier in overcoming the switch from the paper calendar to the computer was taking the time to fill out all of my meetings, exams, and due dates into the computer calendar. Despite the 15 mins I wasted converting all the dates, I felt extremely organized afterwards.

I have to say this technology relationship has been drama free and easy going. Its a mutual love-love relationship. Overcoming changing my daily routine and converting my life to an organized computer were the only barriers I’ve meet so far, and they were a one time occurrence. It was been smooth sailing since about the first week.

I’ve come up with some benefits to keep me on track, because I’ve been spending so much quality time with my laptop, I’ve decided to treat it to some  new accessories. I browsed Amazon for a laptop cover and key board cover to protect it from the excess use its been receiving. The new electric blue cover spiced up my laptop, while keeping the keyboard clean and the shell safe from scratches. I’d say it was a win win benefit for my laptop and I.

Looking forward this sustainable behavior is definitely something I think I will continue. Now that I have made the transition, it would be difficult to go back to the old paper way! Carrying one laptop around that houses all of my notes, readings, assignments, email, and calendar, makes my life much simpler. The more I learn about the technology the easier my life gets. Also, by forcing myself to adapt to the technology, I’ve learned so much and it feels great to be slightly computer literate. Being well versed in technology comes from experience and forcing myself to go out of my comfort zone and onto the computer. This experience will give me knowledge that is useful in real life. Ease of computer use is also huge in todays job market, and learning skills on the computer now will only benefit my future… and the ENVIRONMENT! Seems like another win-win to me.

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