The bed….. It talks to me

Have you ever seen the Sour Patch Kids commercials?? Well, if you haven’t, their motto is “first their sour then their sweet”. This motto basically describes my relationship with my bed. At night, I don’t want any part of it, especially around the hours of 9 or 10. But once the clock strikes 8:00 a.m I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else. I swear the blankets get more comfortable in the morning! This has been my arch enemy with the sustainable behavior challenge. While I love the morning 15 minute clean up, the simple process of getting off my butt is a different beast. Theres been two or three days where I have slowly procrastinated my way out of even doing my clean up. A daily schedule of my excuses can be shown below.

8:00 A.M: I didn’t sleep well last night, I need my 8 hours, Ill do it after my first class.

After First Class: Oh I can do it after my next class, If I wanna be alert for class so I should probably take a nap

After Second Class: Food is definitely more important right now, gotta get my nutrition before practice, Ill just do it after practice

After Practice: Shoot! Its too dark out to even see the trash, Ill just go tomorrow.

And thats how I’ve slowly weasled my way out of cleaning up the campus! To get myself out of bed I have decided to do the two alarm method. The worst thing is hearing the alarm and KNOWING you have to get up. So I allow myself to make excuses…. My first alarm will go off at 7:30 as a warning. At 7:30 I can surrender myself to another beautiful 30 minutes of sleep. When the second alarm goes off at 8:00 Im ready to take on the day. I’ve started to do this and its worked like magic. Theres even the rare occasion when I find the motivation to get up at 7:30! but those moments come very very seldomly…..

As we have approached the midway point the option of continuing the behavior comes into play. For me, I feel the same way I do when I walk out of church every sunday morning. Being able to wake up and start your day off by doing something right just puts me in a great mood. Its kind of addicting to be honest. I would definitely be open to continuing this practice post-class.wake_up_call-b9d5fcf0af27e5611e92285c9034f311

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