How to become a Mean Green Cleaning Machine!

One piece of trash a day will keep the pollution away….. If you have an army of sustainable behavior students. This week helped me realize and lead me to the decision that I need to up the ante. As the first couple of days came and went, I followed the assignment. There was a heap of trash right outside my court so I didn’t even have to go out  and search for trash. The behavior change was simplistic, it was like taking candy from a baby! But as I woke up every morning I looked at that pile of trash and realized i am not even making a dent. If I truly wanted to create a cleaner environment around campus I would have taken 5 minutes to pick up the trash and toss it all out. So thats what I did, and I ultimately changed my behavior. Instead of 1 piece of trash i am going to take 15 minutes everyday to find trash and throw it away. Instead of thinking I only have to pick up X amount of trash and I am done, for 15 minutes I get to be a mean green cleaning machine! I think this is a better behavior change because the mentality is geared towards helping the environment instead of trudging through another homework assignment. It also gets me off my butt in the mornings! Starting Wednesday I woke up at 8:00 and spent fifteen minutes cleaning. After a little fresh air and exercise Im ready to take on the day instead of crawling into another morning class slowly bobbing in and out of another daydream.

As the week came to a close  I slowly developed a liking for my fifteen minute morning sessions. When you aren’t walking around campus with a million things on your mind you start to realize you live in a pretty great place, and along with knowing I am starting off my day on the right foot I walk into Sports in American Culture grinning from ear to ear. It made me think, while I bet many other people would feel the same way if they followed suit, they will never do it…… How can I make them enjoy picking up trash? Jeff Kirshner had the same thoughts, which led to the Litterati movement. Over 1.5 billion people have their eyes glued to there smartphones playing candy crush,taking selfless, or tweeting about their stressful lives. To get them off their phones would be the equivalent of losing their best friend, so why try? Instead Jeff formed a “digital landfill” through instagram. What you do is take a picture of a piece of trash with the hashtag #Litterati, and then throw it away. Thousands of people have been taking these pictures and when you look at all the pictures around the world you have your “digital landfill”. Its a fantastic way to motivate your everyday artsy instagramer to throw away a piece of trash, and they can filter and make it look like the coolest trash you’ve ever seen like this picture of beer caps. Link to the article is below.


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