Conquering Wing Day- Saying No to Meat

Now that I have been cutting back my meat consumption I have been more aware of what food I am putting into my body. The first thing I used to put on my plate was meat- the main focal point. This isn’t always true anymore. Instead I look at all the options and choose the one that I want that day. And guess what? It doesn’t always involve meat. Sometimes the first thing I choose is a soup or a salad if the toppings that day look fresh and there is variety. Or sometimes it’s the vegetarian options that speak to me. At mealtimes I am more aware of all the choices I have, rather than robotically choosing a meat and then pairing it with sides.

Even when I do choose meat I tend to have a more balanced plate. Lately they have been serving grilled chicken which I have put in salads or on a sandwich, rather than the roast beef sandwich I had been consuming before. I go for a second serving of vegetables or a salad rather than a second helping of the meat. This not only good for cutting my carbon footprint, but is also better for my health.

Though this road to cutting my meat consumption was not as hard as I originally thought there have been some barriers. Being around friends who are talking about how good something is and I choose that day not to eat meat is very difficult. Though having Emily, who also choose to reduce her meat consumption, at meals is very helpful. Sometimes if the meatless option that I choose isn’t good I will see what she choose, rather than just giving up and going with the meat option. Choosing what days I will not have meat allows me to stay honest and know exactly how much meat I am cutting out of my diet. Currently I am averaging about 2-3 days (6 meals) a week. I think with increased effort I can get that number up to 4 days, which is over half my meals a week.

I also choose this Friday to be my no meat day, which meant I got to test my strength against wing day. And I did it. No wings for me. The enemy who called to me smothered in buffalo sauce was conquered. At the end of the day not only did I choose a more sustainable option I succeeded in doing what I thought was impossible- saying no to wings.

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