An Overview of MEMS Manufacturing and Applications

By Alexander Zhang and Nicholas Szczygiel

Silvaco MEMS manufacturing

Today we will be discussing Microelectromechanical Systems, or MEMS. We will start with a brief overview of MEMS, defining what they are and briefly explaining their purpose in today’s economy. Then, we will explain the processes that manufacturers use to produce MEMS: IC Fabrication, Bulk Micromachining/Wafer Bonding, Surface Micromachining, and Micromolding. We will also discuss some of the advantages MEMS have over traditional systems, as well as some challenges and problems associated with MEMS manufacturing. Finally, we will explore potential applications of MEMS technology in the future.

MEMS scal comparison


5 thoughts on “An Overview of MEMS Manufacturing and Applications”

  1. I really liked how technical this podcast was. It really showed the applications and limitations. It seems like MEMS are revolutionizing how we make sensors

  2. I didn’t realize that MEMS are parts in so many things that I use every day. I like how technical this podcast is. Also, I like how you pointed out the advantages of MEMS in so many different type of sensors. It was also interesting to hear how packaging can affect a product so much.

  3. You said in your podcast that there were many different fields that are involved in making a MEMS, did you find out what types of engineers usually work on MEMS or is it specific depending on what you want to make?

  4. You spoke of MEMS clearly and understandably, and, as Andrew mentioned, I like how technical this podcast was. You dropped a lot of technical terms, but you didn’t leave the listener confused about what they were hearing. Mentioning what’s keeping MEMS products from the market was also interesting and helped to inform the listener as to where the advancement of MEMS is currently heading. Once the packaging dilemma is solved, I can see the simplicity, lightness, and economical aspects of MEMS being used more often in the future.

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