Blogging Expectations: Students must write several short essays totaling approximately 4000 words for our blogging site throughout the semester (Best Blogging Sites and Tips). Each essay (i.e., post) must be between 300 to 1,000 words. Posts are to be on at least six topics we will study and must incorporate personal research conducted to better understand the system. Posts beyond the course topics are welcome and encouraged. Students will also be required to share each post with student partners and/or faculty and, based on feedback, revise each post at least once. These posts are to be written for an audience of peers and/or for an audience such as one of the possible audiences listed below:
- An invited audience of alumni, family, and/or friends will be given access to our course website.
- Members of a local PA retirement home(s) or centers that may be interested in creatively participating virtually with our students as we travel throughout Europe.
- Future Lafayette students who want to learn more about the city in preparation for a visit.