What We Do

Requests from Students:

For projects that are student-driven, and in particular, for projects that will result in academic credit for the student requesting assistance, our philosophy is that our team will do whatever we can to help you figure out how you can get an appropriate solution for your problem.  That is, we want to give you the tools and resources to obtain the solution on your own.  So we will not, for example, analyze your data for you or create your data visualization for you, but we can show you examples of analyses or visualizations that are similar to yours and which serve as useful guides for you to get a solution for yourself.  In particular, we will not be debugging code that you are attempting to use to analyze data, or cleaning and creating datasets for you to use.  


Other Requests:

Other types of requests for assistance may be handled differently.  Of course, one of the first things you can expect to happen when we first meet is for us to discuss these issues to understand clearly what type of project we are working on, and to devise an appropriate course of action.


Drop-in/Co-working Hours:

Join the Data Associates for student drop-in hours and co-working during the Fall 2023 semester on Wednesdays from 4-6pm and Sundays from 2-4pm in Skillman 003.  These sessions will begin on September 6th and run through December 6th. We can answer questions related to data cleaning, data structuring, data analysis, and data visualization. These sessions are also peer supported co-working sessions, and students are encouraged to bring their projects and work in community with each other. Students from all disciplines and skill levels are welcome.