ITS Coffee Break – 2/19/07 – Leopard Shorts Update, Yahoo Email, Education Podcasting, Workshops

Prizes for the upcoming Leopard Shorts Digital Media Competition lead off the ITS Coffee Break this week, followed by an explaination of why you may be having trouble sending message to Yahoo accounts from your Lafayette e-mail address. In Tech News, hosts Ken Newquist and Courtney Bentley discuss an Academic Commons article about podcasting in education by Laura Blankenship, Bryn Mawr College instructional technologist. Rounding out the podcast is a rundown of the late February multimedia workshops being offered by ITS.

Getting the Podcast

There are several ways to get the podcast:

Show Notes

ITS News

  • Leopard Shorts Digital Media Competition Update

    • Competition Web site
    • Sponsored by ITS and Apple Inc.
    • Categories announced:
      • Individual audio/video project
        • One entry per person.
        • Prize: 30 GB White iPod
      • Group audio/video project
        • One entry per group.
        • Groups can have up to four members.
        • Individuals can submit entire's as part of a group in addition to their
        • individual entries.
        • Prize: 2 GB Silver iPod nano
        • Limited to up to four people per group. Each member of the group receives
          an iPod nano.
    • Problems sending to Yahoo! email accounts
      • Several Lafayette email users have reported problems sending to Yahoo! email accounts. The problem is at Yahoo's end and is not unique to sending from Lafayette accounts.
      • Visit the ITS Web site for more information.

Tech News

  • Academic Commons: Podcasting in Education: A Perspective from Bryn Mawr College

    • Read the article at Academic Commons.
    • An article by instructional technologist Laura Blankenship discussing the experiences of three Bryn Mawr professors who experimented with podcasting.
    • One used strategically edited lectures to allow students to review what they learned … but they still needed to attend class for announcements and news. Also hopes to use the podcast to share materials for review before class.
    • Two biology teachers team-teached an intro class, and found that it was a logical extension of posting powerpoint notes. But also found students were using the lectures to cram an entire semester's worth of review into a few hours — that'd rather have seen them use the podcasts to focus on specific issues they were having (thus, the importance of bookmarking/timestamping podcasts?)

Help News

  • Upcoming Workshops
    • iMovie I: Intro to iMovie, 4:10 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Mon., Feb. 19
    • Audio Editing with Audacity, 4:10 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Tues., Feb. 20
    • Garageband, 4:10 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 22
    • Also have workshops on Acrobat, Introduction to Outlook and Dreamweaver planned for February.
    • Register for a workshop or view the full workshop calendar.

Contacting the Podcast

ITS Coffee Break – 2/7/07 – Moodle Pilot Launch, Leopard Shorts, Blackboard's Patent Pledge, Apple vs. Apple

News of the launch of Lafayette's Moodle pilot program and the Leopard Shorts Digital Media Competition lead off the ITS Coffee Break this week. Tech news finds Blackboard pledging not to sue open source course management systems and those who use them for infringing on its patents, while Apple Inc. and the Beatles' Apple Corp. resolve their long running trademark dispute. Finally, Help News reviews the new Moodle, iTunes U and Word documentation that's been posted to the ITS web site, previews upcoming workshops, and offers a quick tip on working with the iTunes Music Store's FairPlay authorization system.

Getting the Podcast

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Show Notes

ITS News

  • Moodle Pilot Launches
    • Moodle went live with the start of the spring semester. All told, 8 faculty, 13 classes and 340 students are taking part in the spring pilot, which is aimed at testing out the software, finding the bugs, and seeing how it compares to blackboard.
    • Ken & Courtney recently went to a NERCOMP conference focusing on Moodle at liberal arts colleges, and it was great to hear from places like Smith College, which have successfully migrated away from Blackboard and are now running more active courses in Moodle than they were under Blackboard.
    • Also taking part in the NITLE Moodle Exchange, in which instructional technologists and web programmers from various liberal arts colleges talk about how to best deploy and use Moodle.
  • Leopard Shorts Digital Media Competition and iTunes U Launches
    • Itching to work with audio or video, but were waiting for the right motivation? Wait no longer — the Leopard Shorts Lafayette Digital Media Competition is here. Being held in the spring semester, features audio and video created by folks at Lafayette and showcased on iTunes U, Lafayette's new digital media hosting service.
  • Article in The Lafayette about iTunes U / Moodle

Tech News

Help News

  • New Help Documentation
  • Upcoming Workshops

    • Audio editing with Audacity, late afternoon web design workshops.
  • Quick Help: How to deauthorize computers within the iTunes Music Store

    1. Click iTunes Store in the Source pane.
    2. If you're not signed in to the store, click the Account button, then enter your account name and password.
    3. Click the Account button again (your ID appears on the button), enter your password, and then click View Account.
    4. In the Account Information window, click Deauthorize All

Contacting the Podcast

ITS Coffee Break – 1/11/2007 – Deleting Online Predators, UCLA Adopts Moodle, Dashcode Beta, Apple Bugs

Hosts Ken Newquist and Courtney Bentley lead off the podcast with news about network drive changes for those using Macs. In Tech News they update listeners on the fate of the Deleting Online Predators Act, discuss UCLA's adoption of Moodle as their campus course management system, speculate about Apple's new DashCode tool for creating Dashboard widgets, and ponder a web site that delivered one new Apple bug a month for each day in January.

Getting the Podcast

There are several ways to get the podcast:

Show Notes

ITS News

Tech News

  • ZDNET: Deleting Online Predators Act: R.I.P.: DOPA (Deleting Online Predators Act), which would have "banned the use of commercial social networking websites in US schools and libraries which receive federal IT funding", has died from a lack of interest in the Senate.
  • UCLA Adopts Open Source Moodle as Campus CMS: UCLA has decided to adopt the free, open source-based Moodle course management system as the single open source platform for its common collaboration and learning environment (CCLE).
  • Apple: DashCode Beta: Dashcode is a new application for developing Dashboard widgets coming in Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). Dashcode is everything you need to create great Dashboard widgets.
  • Putting a Bug in Apple's Ear: Wired takes a look at the Month of Apple Bugs, a project that reveals one Apple bug a day in January.

Contacting the Podcast