ITS Coffee Break for 12/7/2007

In this edition of the ITS Coffee Break, hosts Ken Newquist and Courtney Bentley announce that faculty can now access their Spring 2007 courses in Moodle and ask for feedback on the potential use of the online world Second Life at Lafayette. In Tech News, they have an update on the controversy over Facebook's Beacon advertising program, remember the Commodore 64 and visit the virtual Shakespearan world of Arden. Help news has some tips on how to better use RSS and a warning for Mac OS X Leopard users who run MySQL on their computers.

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Show Notes

ITS Coffee Break for Friday, Dec. 7, 2007.

ITS News

  • Spring Course Load for Moodle Completed
    • The Spring 2007 courses have been loaded into Moodle and are now available for faculty to begin working with. Students will be enrolled in courses two weeks before the start of the semester.
  • Second Life at Lafayette?
    • A number of faculty at Lafayette have expressed an interest in experimenting with Second Life. If you're interested in using it in your class, or just want to know more about the online community, e-mail us at

Tech News

  • Commodore 64 Remembered
  • Facebook Beacon Controversy
    • We followup on the Beacon controversy. The problem was, if a beacon announcement showed up, and you ignored it, it would opt you into the system. Now you must opt-in explicitly, and you can choose top opt out of everything using a single “don't share my stuff” checkbox in Facebook. Go to Privacy > Privacy Settings for External Websites.
    • CNET: Rough seas nearly sink Facebook's Beacon
  • Massively multiplayer online education: Arden released
  • Postal Service struggles with Netflix envelopes
    • From Engadget: “You know those handy mailers that you've been sending back to Netflix for ages as you eagerly await the next few flicks in your queue? Apparently, those buggers have cost the US Postal Service a staggering $41.9 million in additional labor costs over the past two years due to their “nonmachinable nature””
  • Help News

    • RSS Reader Advice Offered
      • From Internet Duct Tape: An overview of RSS, including what it is, why you'd use it, and instructions on using it with Google Reader. Includes a link to a user-friendly video demonstrating how RSS works.
    • MySQL broken under Leopard

      • From Apparently, Leopard breaks preference pane for MySQL that the official version installs. As a result, you need to start and stop it via the command line.
    • Oodles of Moodles
      • A bunch of Moodle workshops are scheduled for December and January.
      • Register online.

    ITS Coffee Break for 11/30/2007

    On this edition of the Coffee Break, hosts Ken Newquist and Courtney Bentley discuss the upcoming Moodle Hack/Doc Fest being held at Lafayette, let faculty know when they can expect spring courses to appear in Moodle and announce ITS's recommendation regarding installing the new "Leopard" version of Mac OS X. Misadventures with the 10.4.11 version of Apple's operating system lead off Tech News, followed by news of the new Firefox 3 Beta and commentary on Facebook's new 'social ads' system. In Help News, they discuss problems with sending messages to Yahoo! mail accounts, talk about new Moodle documentation and workshops.

    Getting the Podcast

    There are several ways to get the podcast:

    Show Notes

    ITS News

    • Moodle Hack/Doc Fest
      • Lafayette's hosting a Hack/Doc fest for NITLE schools January 8-10.
    • Moodle Course Spring 2008 Load
      • Spring 2008 courses will be created within Moodle on Monday, Dec. 3. Faculty will be able to access their courses. Students won't be enrolled in their courses until two weeks before the start of the spring semester, or around mid-January.
    • ITS Recommendation Regarding Leopard
      • ITS has been testing Apple's Leopard version of the Mac OS since its release and has discovered several incompatibility issues with Leopard and applications used on campus. For this reason, ITS will not be upgrading college-owned Macs to Leopard until the incompatibility issues have been dealt with.

    Tech News

    • Don't install Mac OS X 10.4.11
      • Lots of problems reported with this update, so don't install it unless you a) have done a backup b) have lots of time.
    • Firefox 3 Beta 1 Released
    • Chronicle: Facebook's 'Social Ads' Raise Privacy Concerns

    Help News

    • Delays to Yahoo! Mail Accounts

      • Several Lafayette email users have reported delays in sending messages to Yahoo! Mail accounts. The problem is not unique to Lafayette. According to the article, Why Yahoo Can't Deliver Email, the amount of time messages to Yahoo! Mail accounts are accepted is sometimes as low as 60% due to some Yahoo! mail servers not being properly configured to receive email, which causes a bottleneck.
    • New Moodle Docs

    • Upcoming Workshops

      • Moodle Quickstart, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., Wed., Dec 5
      • Moodle Quickstart, 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m., Thu., Dec 13
      • Register online.

    Contacting the Podcast

    ITS Coffee Break for 11/02/2007

    The new Mac OS X Leopard gets a try out and Lafayette's network upgrade continues during the 11/2 edition of the ITS Coffee Break podcast. In ITS News, hosts Ken Newquist and Courtney Bentley review what they like and don't like about Mac OS 10.5 and remind folks that there will be planned outages around campus through Nov. 14 as the network upgrade continues. In Tech News, they review the Twitter microblogging platform and check out some innovative ways its being used to spread emergency news and announcements, take a look at the Drupal-powered National Novel Writing Month, and look at a web application that correlates Wikipedia edits to a map of the world. Help News sees a review of text editors for Macs and Windows computers, as well as a rundown of upcoming workshops.

    Getting the Podcast

    There are several ways to get the podcast:

    Show Notes

    ITS News

    Tech News

    Help News