
View my CV (07/01/2024)

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A Comparison of Estimated No Surprises Act Qualifying Payment Amounts and Payments to In-Network and Out-of-Network Emergency Medicine Professionals” with Erin Duffy, Chris Garmon, and Erin Trish. 2022. JAMA Health Forum. 3(9), e223085-e223085.

Emergency Physicians Recover a Higher Share of Charges from Out-of-Network Balance Bills than from In-Network Care” with Ben Chartock, Chris Garmon, and Erin Trish. 2021. Health Affairs. 40:4, 622-628.

The Medical Care Costs of Obesity and Severe Obesity in Youth: An Instrumental Variables Approach” with John Cawley and Chad Meyerhoefer. 2020. Health Economics. 29(2020):624639.

Do Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Mental Health Treatment Vary with Underlying Mental Health?” with Sam Zuvekas. 2020. Medical Care Research and Review. 78(4):392-403

Do Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Medical Care Vary with Underlying Mental Health?” with Sam Zuvekas. 2018. Health Services Research. 54(1):64-74.

Public and Private Payments for Physician Office Visits” with Thomas Selden. 2017. Health Affairs. 36(12):2160-2164

Impact of Recent Medicaid Expansions on Office-Based Primary Care and Specialty Care among the Newly Eligible” with Sam Zuvekas and Steve Hill 2017. Health Services Research. 3(4):2426-2445.



“Non-Classical Measurement Error in Instrumental Variables Estimation: An Application to the Medical Care Costs of Obesity” with Chad Meyerhoefer and John. Cawley.
Forthcoming at Health Economics

“Recent Cohorts Aging into Medicare Use More Counseling and Psychotherapy than Past Cohorts.” with Grace McCormack and Erin Duffy.
Forthcoming at American Journal of Managed Care



Naomi Zewde, Coleman Drake, Adam Biener. “Basic Health Programs: An Alternative to Public Options?” (March 27, 2024) Issue Brief. Commonwealth Fund

Adam Biener. Prosecutorial Case Backlog Project: Survey Findings Report (January 17, 2024) Association of Prosecuting Attorneys

Naomi Zewde and Adam Biener. State Insurance Reforms and the Trade-Offs of a Public Option (June 25, 2020) Roosevelt Institute

Adam Biener. Prosecutor Workplace and Compensation Study (November 19, 2021) Association of Prosecuting Attorneys



Prevalence and Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in the United States” with Sandra Decker and Fred Rohde. 2019. JAMA. 322(7):602

Sources of Increased Health Care Spending in the United States” with Sandra Decker and Fred Rohde. 2019. JAMA. 321(12):1147

Medical Care Use and Expenditures Associated with Adult Obesity in the United States” with Sandra Decker. 2018. JAMA. 319(3):218.