First Post–ASB Aftermath


After many weeks of being unable to make any ASB posts, I have finally gained access!…Just in time to write a post-trip blog post…

Well, better late than never. I’ve described this trip as the most simultaneously rewarding and frustrating experience of my entire life, and, one week later, that’s still how I perceive it.

We experienced a good deal of difficulty, for sure, more than we expected. I personally expected there to be difficulties being patient with the individuals with retardation, but I did not anticipate struggles with the administration, or organizational issues for that matter. We arrived at Camp Baker only to find out that the woman who had initially invited us to Camp Baker was no longer with the company–therefore, the structure of the week was turned topsy-turvy.

We had no idea what to expect going in. Our first day, we were told basically to keep the kids occupied for a couple hours, with no other instructions. As such, we would try and do whatever the kids wanted to do, which mainly meant keeping them company as they wandered around the camp. Unfortunately, it became apparent on the Tuesday of the trip through a meeting with the new administrator, Emily, that this would not fly. The staff were irritated that we would take the kids here and there, often taking them out of eyesight of the staffers.

We had no idea this was an issue, and to be chastised for ignorance of the law was grating to many individuals. Later attempts to co-ordinate with the staffers were met with indignation from Emily, scolding us for going “over her head”, and stating that we were “lucky to be allowed to come after [the previous administrator left]”. It was nothing short of infuriating listening to this woman claim that we were the source of these problems, when our attempts to contribute more to the volunteer effort were treated as an annoyance.

However, the actual interactions with the campers was remarkable. Working hard each and every day to get smiles on their faces was a struggle in some cases, but ultimately rewarding as all hell. We had many strong individual bonds with many campers…I personally became very close with individuals named Buddy, Jamil, Ritchie, and Kimberly. Working with them each and every day was something I looked forward to immensely.

Plus, I got to sign autographs as a “real-life leprechaun” for our St. Patrick’s Day carnival.

I have to hand it to the staffers working at the camp every day. While it was amazing working with the individuals, it was very frustrating in some cases. As I learned through many encounters as well as watching the staffers, coddling those individuals was usually not the best way. Like any kid, a stern hand (and voice) is usually the best way to get them to obey, and that’s what I discovered working with these individuals. It changed a lot of perceptions.

One last thing that I will conclude with is the extraordinary ability of these individuals to still express feelings like joy and love. It was apparent that despite having disabilities, each an every individual was still capable of experiencing those things. I always wondered what the point of allowing individuals to live in a handicapped state was…being fully capable of my own abilities, I can’t imagine being forced to live in a body which restricted my thoughts and movements. But isn’t the point of life experiencing those amazing emotions? Isn’t that in and of itself justification to live? This trip certainly settled one moral dilemma that I struggled with in the past.

And we’re back.

Wow. The whole trip feels surreal– like a dream.

It’s hard to put my feelings about this trip into coherent sentences. What I do know is that it was life-changing. Before Camp Baker, I felt awkward and uncomfortable around people with developmental disabilities. To be honest, I simply didn’t know what to do. But I have seen a 180 degree change since then. I now feel more than just passing pity and compassion for these people. I realized they are just like us: capable of loving, laughing, crying. They have needs, wants, dislikes. Perhaps what separates them from us is that they lack the filter that most of us are used to having. Their idiosyncrasies are more apparent, whereas we carefully hide them because society tells us that they are not appropriate behaviors.

I also cannot have asked for a better team. At all of our pre-trip meetings, I saw a random group of people thrown together for a common cause. But as the trip progressed, I realized we all fit together so well into one cohesive, amazing team. I got the chance to meet and become close to people that I probably would otherwise never have spoken to. And even though we spent a week straight with each other, somehow we were mainly drama free, and I think that speaks well for the nature and strength of our relationships with each other. When we returned to Lafayette and parted at March Field, I think we were all left with a sense of emptiness. What do we do now? Why aren’t we still in Virginia? These are surely signs of a successful trip.

Now we have to look to the future. How can we bring back what we learned and apply it to the Lafayette community? This is a difficult question for us to solve, since disabilities are a delicate issue. I hope that whatever we do, it can bring about change, even if that change is small and gradual.

I Miss Tennessee

I already miss Tennessee and all the new friends I have made.  I not only worked hard, but I got to experience something entirely new within my own country; Cherokee culture and southern culture.  I was called a Yankee!  I couldn’t stop laughing because I remember my father calling me that as a child.  We met Cherokees and they talked about their history and culture.  Also, we played this Cherokee Fish Game which was the funnest, most tiring game I ever played.  I thought I knew my country, but I am now beginning to realize that the United States is a huge country with a vast amount of people with different views, beliefs, and culture.  I learned so much because of this ASB trip.

It was an exhausting trip as well.  We had to get up early everyday to get out in field to work.  We removed invasive plants, picked up litter in a national park, and built a wooden deck for a Cherokee family.  Even though these things seems small in comparison to bigger projects, every little thing adds up.  Again, it was exhausting work, but I enjoyed doing it with the new friends I made from Lafayette College, University of South Florida, and Colorado State.

Post trip reflection

Well, we’re back! I already miss Tennessee and am scheming ways to return as soon as possible. A testament to how much our group bonded is shown by the fact that every trip member came together to go out to dinner last night, even after spending an entire week in one cabin together! Now faced with the daunting task of writing about my experiences, I feel overwhelmed. There is so much to say! Firstly, I would like to start with our hosts, Ed and Arleen Decker. They welcomed us into their home, and continued to surprise and inspire us as the week went on. Whether it was Arleen jumping in the lake with us, or the fact that Ed built his house, our cabins and many other buildings on the site with only one other person helping, Ed and Arleen taught us about hard work, having fun and appreciating life and the world around us. The Deckers organized a breakaway experience that included both direct environmental service and more indirect service at places such as the senior center. We also had many opportunities for education, which I absolutely loved. I was able to appreciate things like a conversation with a woman who is able to speak Cherokee much more than I might have, because I knew how few people are still able to speak it. If I really had to pick my most meaningful experience, it would have been meeting a man named Shorty. Shorty is a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokees (the tribe that resides in NC and TN; the ones who escaped the trail of tears), and he took time out of his very busy life to talk to us, and teach us the fish game (the most fun game I have EVER played!), refusing to take anything in return. He talked openly and honestly with us about the troubles the tribe is facing. You may not know this, but Cherokee youth receive a very substantial monetary amount either upon graduation from high school, achieving a GED, or turning 21. In Shorty’s case, and many many others, this was wasted on cars, motorcycles etc. It is also true that the tribe will pay for full college tuition, books, a laptop, money for every A, less for every B, and Less for every C and money to go back and forth between home and school for anywhere they are accepted, and few utilize this opportunity. He also told us about problems with electing council, and about drug and alcohol abuse within the Cherokee boundary. However, what was more important than the negative things to me was Shorty’s story, which is about changing your life for the better, which he was able to do much later in life. He told us to just enjoy life, live life giving and not taking, being kind to the Earth and counting our blessings. This had a very strong impact on me, and if I keep nothing else with me as the years go on, I want to remember the Cherokee way of life; every action being from one open heart to another, without selfishness or ulterior motives. I loved every moment of this trip, from the education to the service to the fun things (like seeing a real bluegrass hootenanny, and meeting people I would never have run across above the Mason- Dixon line!), and I think the whole team would agree with me that we owe that to Ed and Arleen, who provided us with a truly special and inspiring spring break in Maryville (Mer-vul) Tennessee.

2 days, and 3 nights in

So far, I have reached a realization of two things that I personally have been afforded since we arrived on Saturday night in Virginia, at Camp Baker : 1) clarity, in terms of envisioning a more humane world, as well as, 2) anxiety, stress, in the best way possible, regarding my personal reflections and anticipations of the days that have yet to come.

In terms of the former, these people, these high-spirited, loving, authentic, and alternatively intelligent people, that just happen to have developmental disabilities, have most definitely opened new social vistas for me in regards to the impacts that they themselves have already made, and are going to continue making on this diverse group of 11 volunteers.

With that said, and considering the latter, I can’t wait for the rest of the week. Each day so far has been on a positive, upward incline, and I am looking forward to seeing how much I, and we, as a group, have matured by the end. And discussing the “then whats,” how the aforementioned maturance can be applied, and how our experiences can be used to foster a true, equal and just, humanity.

ASB Tennessee in T-30 minutes

ASB Tennessee is leaving in just a few hours! Yet I still can’t believe that it’s already spring break and that I am leaving Lafayette with my team in less than an hour. Last night I finally had some time to actually think about this trip but I was left with the feeling that I really have no idea what to expect. I know we are going to do different kinds of service projects, some with the Cherokee, some about conservation in the mountains, sometimes with other school groups and other times on our own. Our schedule sounds like it will be pretty packed and I’m just ready for anything. It’s kind of nice going into this trip without any specific expectations because that means I can’t get disappointed and everything will be wonderful! Last year I went on an ASB trip to Jonesville in southern Virginia, actually only about an hour from Tennessee. Driving home (since we had about 9 hours to kill) we talked about ASB trips that would be really cool to go on. One idea that really excited me was possibly working with Native Americans because I basically know nothing about any of the different cultures besides what you learn in elementary school which is practically nothing. So then this year when I found out about the trip to Once Upon A Time in Appalachia I knew this was my chance. So here we are about to embark on this journey and I think I am going into this trip with an open mind and a ready attitude and I am more than ready to see what happens!!

Virginia here we come!

I applied for this trip in the middle of September. I had been on College Hill for less than a month and had begun to realize that while you may know someone on the surface, but until you know their past, you might not fully understand their present. When asked about my trip preference (there is another ASB trip going to Tennessee over spring break), this is what I responded:


During a diversity workshop during Orientation, one classmate responded that while many Lafayette students might wear Sperry Topsiders, JCrew, and North Face, there is no typical Lafayette student—everyone has a unique story. Furthermore, these unique stories often time include hardships unknown to most people. What I did not know at the time is that this classmate, now one of my closest friends at Lafayette, struggles with ADD.  After having reflected on the different excerpts from the diversity presentation and having spoken with this friend, I realize that there is so much more to each person than that is seen on the surface. I particularly want to work with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities so that I cannot only show compassion, but also so that I can learn how the disabilities affect their lives. With this new knowledge, I would like to help educate the Lafayette community about people living with disabilities so that they, too, have a better understanding of these daily struggles. It is my hope that with this knowledge, both students at Lafayette and I think twice about how we judge people—that we get to know each individual thoroughly before making assumptions about why they act the way they do.  


Now fast forward to this past week. By the time Sunday, March 4th came around, I had been at Lafayette for almost a semester and a half. Everything had been going smoothly all year: classes, soccer, friendships, etc. Every once and a while, I would learn something about one of my friend’s past hardships, which briefly reminded me how easy my childhood was in comparison. Anyhoo, everyone had warned me that I would inevitably hit a freshman wall, and this past week definitely was my freshman wall.


Sunday night, my freshman wall began to form when I went to the McKelvy dinner discussion (everyone should go to at least one during their 4 years!) and loved it. Immediately following the discussion, I had to go to the freshman housing discussion. Long story short, everything started being turned upside down in regards my perspective on housing for next year. Ultimately, by the end of the discussion, I had realized that I wanted to apply to McKelvy, and I had my teammates’ support. The two-hour discussion between the eight of us had been somewhat long and awkward and it was inevitable that feelings would be hurt. It was slightly draining emotionally, but this little bump in the road was a good test for everyone’s friendships because as the saying goes, “true friendship isn’t about being there when it’s convenient; it’s about being there when it’s not.

The next day I was able to begin my application to the McKelvy. Mid-morning there was a bit of a health scare in my family. Unable to get a hold of my parents to find out what was going on, I was stressed out and scared. Throughout the day, friends, faculty, and staff at Lafayette continually supported me when I needed help. By the end of the day, I had learned that my sister was sick, but was going to be okay. Tuesday went well, although I was tired from everything. That night, however, I could not fall asleep. With two hours of sleep and having gone through a tough few days (respectively speaking), I finally left my own pity party Wednesday morning when I realized how truly great and blessed my life is. It took me until I wrote down all the good things in my life to fully realize how ridiculous I was behaving given the circumstances. I was worried about housing at that point. My sister was going to be okay, so I didn’t need to worry about that. Here’s an excerpt:


What is good in my life right now:

-I’m at the school I love.

-The people at Lafayette are great.

-Some important people in my life have stepped up and been there for me.

-My parents are healthy, supportive, and love me.

-My family is healthy (for the most part).

-The housing issue is trivial. Worst case? In a shitty dorm at the school I love.

-Cosmic Cup is always open when I need it.

There were many more bullet points on the list to remind me how great my life is. On the other side of the list, I put a poem that kept popping up in my mind this week. I had read it in Honors American Literature in high school, but found that it is applicable in college.


Richard Cory

Edwin Arlington Robinson

Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean-favoured and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
“Good Morning!” and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich, yes, richer than a king,
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine — we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked and waited for the light,
And went without the meat and cursed the bread,
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet in his head.

At the bottom of the poem, I wrote, “You don’t know everyone’s story. People definitely have it worse. Pull it together because you are only dealing with trivial issues in the grand scheme of things. What does not kill you makes you stronger. #firstworldproblems. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Essentially, I had come to the same conclusion that I wrote about in my ASB application. I had once again realized that I don’t know everyone’s story, but I know my own and I have been so lucky.

This week I have become more grateful, become closer friends with people because we faced adversity together, and got to enjoy one of the prettiest 70 degree winter March days Easton, PA has ever seen. All and all, I’d say that it was the perfect week to lead up to ASB Virginia.

In September, I had answer why I wanted to participate in ASB and what I hoped to gain. Here is my response:

First and foremost, I want to help people. I do not have as much time as I would like to volunteer during school because of the time commitment required of being a Division 1 soccer player. I have, however, a break from soccer during spring break. Secondly, after having spent a week in New Orleans for a service trip during my junior year of high school, I learned the importance of showing solidarity with those in need. Prior to the trip, I had pictured myself building houses; instead I was assigned to assist with much smaller projects such as helping seventh graders learn about the bayou and doing yard work at a house abandoned after the hurricane. I felt that I was not really doing much until I met Miss Madeline, an older woman whose house was destroyed by Katrina. When she returned to New Orleans, Miss Madeline sought volunteers to help rebuild her house and community. She was proactive and full of hope, even after all of the devastation. She taught me that even the smallest acts count to others and that just by being in New Orleans, I was helping the people’s hope and spirit. This message carries over to all acts of service. Thus I want to participate in Alternative School Break to not only help improve people’s physical environments, but also show solidarity. Ultimately, I hope to gain a better understanding about living life with a disability or living in rural Appalachia. 


My response still remains the same. I want to help people, show solidarity, but also see how people who face real adversity respond and keep such a positive outlook on life. As the Zac Brown Band sings it, “It’s funny how it’s the little things in life/That mean the most/Not where you live or what you drive/Or the price tag on your clothes/There’s no dollar sign on a piece of mind/This I’ve come to know.”

So with that, I’m off to Cosmic so I can start the trip with a tall Mexican hot chocolate with a shot of espresso and a bialy with strawberry jam! I hope everyone has a wonderful spring break!

Abby Williams, Class of 2015

Tennessee Trip

It’s the night before we depart for our ASB trip to Tennessee! I am SO excited to not only get to know the people on my trip, but also to expose myself to a completely different culture. I hope to leave a great mark as a Lafayette College community in this area, as we are the first Lafayette College group to go to Tennessee as an ASB trip. Applying for the trip, I was extremely intrigued by the environmental aspect and am really looking forward to this part. I am also really looking forward to working with the people of the Cherokee Community, which includes people from the children to the elderly. I really hope to connect to the people in the community and to make a positive difference. I also plan to bring something from this usually untraveled area, back to Lafayette College, in order to educate the community.

Interactions in Haiti

After being a little over a month removed from my trip to Haiti, I have told numerous stories to friends and family.  Each story is new in its own way, depending on what I can remember at the time of the telling.  With so many details, experiences, and emotions it’s difficult to summarize the trip in a way that does it justice.

In brief, our main project in Jacmel was to finish a house for a widower that lost his leg in the earthquake.  We painted it, put in all the doors and windows along with trim, and we built the roof.  We also did several orphanage visits in which we did learning activities with the kids and played with them.  There was also a water filtration system distribution day.

The best part of the trip for me was the interactions and relationships we all developed with everyone we worked with and met.  Everyone was so eager to share the Haitian culture with us and to learn about us.  One of the guards at the facility that we stayed at always practiced his English with me and taught me Creole.  Despite a big language barrier he was always excited to tell me about himself and his plans for the future.  At the one orphanage, I made a little friend that was the goalie for my soccer team.  I taught him several games that he showed the other kids and he also helped me paint.  During our work on the house, we helped several deaf boys put the roof on.  Even though I do not know sign language, we were still able to communicate and joke through different gestures.  In each case there was no obvious means of communicating, however, in the end I was able to form relationships that I will never forget.