Day 2 SUPER: Me, We


After our first team breakfast, everybody gathered to watch a short clip about changing education paradigms. The video followed an engaging group discussion about what could be improved about the education system and how students should be sorted based on their ages, ability or interests. All team members agreed that learning should be made more of a collaborative and not isolated experience where students are not treated like manufactured products but like promising individuals. The discussion emphasized that non-academic did not mean non-smart.
Even though the members have already warmed up to each other from daily interactions like traveling and cooking together, we played group bonding games like human knot. It was more strenuous than any of us expected but we finally succeeded in getting closer to each other, literally.

The visit to the Studio Museum in Harlem inspired a heartening discussion about the stereotypes the Black population have to endure, even in today’s times. The team’s favorite was “The Jerome Project” where Titus Kaphar tried to personify the repercussions of imprisonment of the overrepresented African American population with tar. The team leader pointed out how Muhammad Ali’s poem “Me, We” conveniently summarized what we, not only as individuals but also as a team were trying to accomplish on this trip.

It was my first time watching the “Freedom Writers” and I finally realized what the hype was all about! Discussions about the movie covered topics like the difference between white supremacy and white ally, striving to earn respect from students, communicating with them the true purpose of education etc. Acknowledging the problems with the education system and blending in all that we learnt, we discussed the best ways to teach students of different levels of competency.

One thing is for sure, none of us can wait to meet our students and finally begin teaching!

“Me, We”

After beginning our second day in New York with a short video (Changing Education Paradigm) and untangling a human knot, Team Super headed to The Studio Museum of Harlem. Out of all the exhibits, I found a piece entitled “Me, We” to be the most intriguing. It featured neon lights with the words “Me” and “We” mirroring each other. To me, this piece represents how each individual is part of a larger community. Every “me” is part of a larger “we.” I think the exhibit relates very closely to ASB’s mission of creating community awareness and civic engagement. It is important for us as individuals to remember that we are part of a larger community and that all of our actions impact the greater community in some way. Following our museum visit, the team watched the movie Freedom Writers, a powerful story about a high school teacher who was able to create a passion for learning among struggling students in an urban high school.

Tomorrow, we get to meet two Lafayette ASB alum. I’m so excited to hear their stories and see the lasting impact that ASB has had on their lives. I’m especially looking forward to meeting one of the alum who has experience in both public and charter schools in NYC. It will be interesting to hear about the differences between the two types of schools.

I’m really looking forward to finally getting to Brilla on Tuesday. After months of preparation, we are finally here! The team worked really hard creating our “in-school field trips” and I can’t wait to see the plans come to life!

ASB: Hope Is Vital Cultural Excusion

On the first full day of the Hope Is Vital trip, our team is already coming together wonderfully. As we walked around Boston, experiencing the sights and sounds of the city, I could feel how cohesive and prepared we were to start our service. From watching a duo of street performers juggle and perform acrobatic feats to exploring streets and riding trains and busses, we had many opportunities to bond and become closer. We have established relationships that will allow us to better serve once we start our volunteering and I can only see those relationships growing stronger.

ASB Hope Is Vital Cultural Excursion

Today, we had our first encounter with public transportation in Boston. Navigating the T we found our way to Quincy Market and an indoor vintage market, as well as the USS Constitution. At the naval yard we attended a tour of the ship led by a Naval Officer. The officer discussed why he chose to join the service and what it means to him to work on the same ship that housed so many great heros, who dedicated their life to service. While this was a great bonding experience for us as a group, I think the Naval Officer’s commentary was a true testament to the importance of serving others and how those actions can lead to a more fullfilling lifestyle. As we head into the remainder of our week in Boston, I am really looking forward to our time at Community Servings. We have had a multitude of bonding experiences and it is only our first full day in Boston! These experiences we have had as a group will allow us to work cohesively when we walk into Community Servings on Tuesday morning. That way we can accomplish as much as possible and be ready to complete whatever tasks come our way!

Day 1: Team SUPER

Today our team settled into our accommodations at a hostel in Queens, grabbed a bite to eat, and immediately dived into an education component of our trip! We took a trip to El Museo Del Barrio in Spanish Harlem and gained a deeper appreciation and understanding of hispanic culture. Many of the art pieces in the gallery expressed the dissonance between the oppression and poverty experienced by much of the Latin American population in New York City and the great beauty and heart that can still be found in these communities.

The trip set the tone for our reflection later in the evening, as we discussed what we know of the challenges that face urban education, what we hope to learn, and what we’re looking forward to! I personally am really looking forward to meeting the kids that we’ll be working with at the charter school and speaking with the school’s staff and administrators. It seems like the school is really committed to emphasizing the importance of education, so it’s excited that we’ll be able to aid in their effort to foster a love for learning.

ASB: Hope is Vital (Pre-Trip Part 2)

We have all arrived in Boston and checked into our hostel! We’re right in the heart of the Theatre District and only a stone’s throw away from Chinatown; I can step outside the hostel and see restaurants and pubs in either direction for blocks. It’s good to be in Boston. It’s my first time in Boston, so I’m excited to get some meaningful exposure to the city. We have time set aside tomorrow and Monday to go sightseeing, so I’m looking forward to getting a real feel for the city. The Commons, Bunker Hill, the Museum of Fine Arts, the USS Constitution, the whole nine yards.

As excited I am to see everything this great city has to offer though, I am even more thrilled to begin our service with Community Servings on Tuesday. Providing assistance to those afflicted with HIV is a noble endeavor, and to be a part of such a cause, even for a few days, is rousing. As we perform our service and help with the meals, I hope, in particular, that we will learn more about the specific circumstances surrounding the lower-income individuals in Boston who have HIV (Community Servings clientele). Theirs is a unique experience, and also one that I have little knowledge of or experience with. Anyway, dinner will be ready soon (thanks to Barbara for tonight’s dinner!), so I’m going to attend to that! Expect more from my teammates as the week progresses!

Land of the Free – Pre Post

I am currently sitting with my team in the airport waiting to board the plane and it still hasn’t set in that we’ll be in El Salvador in less than 6 hours.  I am so excited to just see another part of the world and to interact with the people there. I am so excited and I cannot wait to help out the community but also to learn from them. I see this trip as an opportunity to learn how others around this world live. With the research I have already done about El Salvador I have begun to see a lot of my privilege and believe it is crucial to expose yourself to more places to see how the rest of the world lives.  As an American and seeing globalization and the affect my country has had on the world around us, I believe that it is also my job to be just as influenced and affected by the rest of the world around me.  I see this as an opportunity to learn more about immigration issues and the daily struggle that people live with in El Salvador but also to just interact in the community and help out in whatever way I can be. I can’t wait until we get there and I know this will be a trip that will have a lasting impact on me.

Land of the Free!

It is currently 1:15 AM, and although I am supposed to be on my way to the airport in about three hours, I find it impossible to sleep. I woke up at 6 this morning in an attempt to make the chances of me falling asleep earlier tonight a little higher, but I had a feeling that would not happen. I am beyond excited to embark on this journey with my team tomorrow. I will be exposed to a world that I have never seen before, and I hope to not only have some sort of impact on Santa Ana, but I hope that it has an impact on me as well. After spending over a month at home with my family and preparing for this trip, I realize how truly blessed and privileged I am. In my reflections prior to the trip, I have thought a lot about the idea of social change and what it takes to change an entire community, let alone a country. I know that our week-long visit does not have the power to do nearly any of that, but I can only hope that it will make as large of a difference as the effort and passion that I put into it. I hope that this trip ignites me to further my thinking on this topic, and become more aware of myself and my role in my community. I am so excited. ¡Buenas noches amigos!

ASB: Hope is Vital (Pre-Trip Part 1)

Here I sit in Gino Warnick’s suite in Fisher West with Justin Morales and Barbara Olivier, two of my teammates for ASB Hope is Vital. As I type out this blog post, my mind continuously returns to the prospect of me going on my second ASB trip. I’m no ASB rookie anymore, but I still look forward to the coming trip with as much excitement as I did for my first ASB excursion. While I have steadily gotten to know my teammates over the past several months in our team meetings, I look forward to really getting to know them all on the trip. By spending the next week with them, not only doing service with Community Servings and reflecting on our experiences but seeing the sights and embracing everything the city of Boston has to offer, I hope (and think) we will all grow closer together.

Of course, ASB is more than just a chance to get to know people, and I am especially interested in learning more about HIV/AIDS (our social). I’d say more, but we are leaving for Boston around 9AM Saturday morning (this morning now), so I should probably get to bed. Expect more commentary once we reach Boston!

Land of the Free: Pre-Trip Reflection Post

Many thoughts drift through my mind as look forward to tomorrow’s flight to El Salvador. While I have spent some time reading about El Salvador over break, I imagine it is a totally different experience to be immersed in the community once there. This trip will be a great opportunity to do something for the community in El Salvador as we learn in greater depth about the issues that affect it. I will approach the Land of the Free trip with an open mind and come back with a border understanding of the world–with knowledge that I can use to promote positive change in the world. So even though I’ll have to wake up early tomorrow, I am eager to find out what I will learn and to perform community service in El Salvador.