At the end of the first day at Community Servings, I was unsure how I would make it through the rest of the week. Although the day was enjoyable, the feeling of exhaustion was overwhelming and the thought of starting the next day at 8 am was not a pleasant one. During the first night of reflection, all I could think about was the admiration I had for the amount of energy and effort that each worker and volunteer poured into the tasks they were involved in. It was amazing to me how this energy carried throughout the day and continued to grow throughout the week. The atmosphere in the kitchen was one that I am so happy to have been able to experience. It was a feeling of belonging and importance and most of all it was simply fun. Positivity radiated from everyone in the kitchen (even from those with pruney fingers from washing dishes for hours). Of the many lessons I could take away from Community Servings, the most prominent for me was that having a positive attitude is essential, even when it is not easy. Remember to put on a positive attitude each day, the same way you put on an item of clothing, and eventually it will become second nature.
I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to share in such a wonderful experience with some of the most amazing people I have ever met. The strong bond that our team has formed over the span of just one week was something I had not expected, but now it is something that I am grateful for. In the Community Servings kitchen we did not work as individuals. We were the many parts, that together, made up a well-oiled machine. Community Servings will continue to run as the well-oiled machine it is, even after we have made our way back to Lafayette. It is sad that we will not continue to be a part of their daily routine, but we can all appreciate the opportunity that allowed to catch a small glimpse into the remarkable organization that is Community Servings.
On Friday, another day of service had come and gone as quickly as the last. We removed our gloves, hairnets and aprons for the last time and after a round of thank you’s and hugs, our team made our way to the T. We walked out the doors of Community Servings with hopefulness that this would not be a goodbye, but instead a see ya later.