ASB Tennessee in T-30 minutes

ASB Tennessee is leaving in just a few hours! Yet I still can’t believe that it’s already spring break and that I am leaving Lafayette with my team in less than an hour. Last night I finally had some time to actually think about this trip but I was left with the feeling that I really have no idea what to expect. I know we are going to do different kinds of service projects, some with the Cherokee, some about conservation in the mountains, sometimes with other school groups and other times on our own. Our schedule sounds like it will be pretty packed and I’m just ready for anything. It’s kind of nice going into this trip without any specific expectations because that means I can’t get disappointed and everything will be wonderful! Last year I went on an ASB trip to Jonesville in southern Virginia, actually only about an hour from Tennessee. Driving home (since we had about 9 hours to kill) we talked about ASB trips that would be really cool to go on. One idea that really excited me was possibly working with Native Americans because I basically know nothing about any of the different cultures besides what you learn in elementary school which is practically nothing. So then this year when I found out about the trip to Once Upon A Time in Appalachia I knew this was my chance. So here we are about to embark on this journey and I think I am going into this trip with an open mind and a ready attitude and I am more than ready to see what happens!!

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