Meret Oppenheim


“Object”, 1936, The MoMA

I chose the work of Oppenheim because of how she explores context. I like to take every day objects and repurpose them in some odd or bizarre way so that they are now out of context. One of my favorite pieces to date is “Object”. You can still tell exactly what the items are, yet they are covered in fur which would make them seemingly un-usable for what they are intended for.


“Glove (For Parkett no. 4)”, 1985, The MoMA

How cool are these?  A suede pair of gloves with screen printed and hand stitched veins. Although it is covering the hand and the flesh, Oppenheim still shows the anatomy of the hand and what lies underneath. I like this work because it does not immediately hit you as a sculpture. It is wearable; it is fashion. But fashion is merely another form of art.