Technological System

Types of Bicycles and Number of Bicycles Picture1

With the narrowed scope, the conclusion was reached that an initial quantity of ten bicycles would suffice for Lafayette’s small-scale campus. Through analysis of bike-share systems at other colleges, it was determined that for Lafayette, ten bikes would suffice, and following success of the program, more bikes could be introduced. For example, Lehigh University, which in culture and size, recently began a beta bike-share program with ten bicycles. Because of the hill that Lafayette is built on, the most favorable kind of bicycles would be small multi-gear bikes. This would provide assistance for pedestrians riding up and down the rigorous hills.


One important question that bike-share programs face before being implemented is “What type of system should be installed to ensure efficient and reliable bicycle use?”

This image, provided by Zagster, describes the three main types of bike-share systems. After conducting research on each of the three types of systems above, proposed solutions include one altered Ad-hoc system conducted by Lafayette and two outsourced tech-on-bike systems. In assessing technologies to implement, we prioritized systems and methods that will allow students to make intermittent stops with their use of the bicycle. While the outsourced solutions are both tech-on-bike systems, which will allow the integration of phones and data collection, the DIY solution offers a low-tech approach that will accomplish the same goal and save a substantial amount of money.


To navigate accross the page please use the following links:
Bike-share Meets Lafayette
• The Team
• Defining the Scope
• Challenges and Mitigating Factors
• Solutions
• Conclusion
• Bibliography