
David Stifel
Department of Economics
202 Simon Center
Lafayette College
Easton, PA 18042-1776

Tel: (610) 330-5673

Here is the crowd I hung out with during
my research leave in Madagascar in 2006-7: picture.

Click here to view my Family’s Webpage

Click on the following to view my…

1. Vita – includes links to my papers (also in PDF format )
2. Teaching philosophy

You may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the PDF-file links on my vita.

Research Interests

  • Development economics/applied micro-econometrics
  • Poverty and multidimensional welfare dynamics
  • Labor markets in developing countries
  • Economics of nutrition – underweight in devleoping countries, obesity in the USA
  • Land tenure, equity and poverty
  • Project evaluation

I am currently working on labor markets in Madagascar, where I was on my research leave from August 2006 until July 2007. Part of this work is currently funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) through the Improving Labour Market Outcomes for the Poor in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana, Madagascar, South Africa and Tanzania project.

I am also working on a project with Prof. Marc Bellemare on contract farming in Madagascar.

Here is a link to the USAID-funded Ilo Project, in which I have been involved. It was for this project that my family and I spent a year living in Antananarivo, Madagascar, during 2000-2001.


Students currently enrolled in my courses at Lafayette can find the course websites on Moodle. Courses that I have taught at Lafayette include:

  • Econ 211: Intermediate Microeconomics
  • Econ 212: Intermediate Macroeconomics
  • Econ 346: Economic Development
  • Econ 347: Advanced Topics in Development Economics
  • Econ 351: International Finance

I also worked with the Lafayette Technology Clinic on a project related to intelligent development
of the Slate Belt region during the 2007-8 academic year.

Those interested in my Lafayette College January Interim trip to Thailand and Myanmar, can view the 2006 course website.

If you are interested in learning more about the Department of Economics at Lafayette College, check out some of our recent newsletters:

Here is an interesting link for those interested in effective humanitarian assistance :

Good Intentions are Not Enough:

Links for students interested in finding jobs overseas:

American Foreign Services Association:

International Studies Association:

Peace Corps:

The Riley Guide: International Job Opportunities:

U.S. State Department:

UCI International Opportunities Program:

Miscellaneous stuff:

Forks U10 Girls Soccer (Hot Chili Peppers) website.

Here is my presentation “Economic Development: Broader Implications of the Darfur Genocide
that I have for the “Darfur: Tragic Lessons and How to Convey Them,” sponsored by Lafayette College.
A slideshow of the event is also available on the Lafayette College website.

First time Stata users interested in some basics, click here.

Those interested in a Stata program to test stochastic dominance (CDFs, not Lorenz curves), click here.

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