Up and down and all around

Since it’s Spring Break, the regularly scheduled fitness class I attend on Thursdays is on hiatus this week. However, one of my colleagues was willing to lead our fitness group in running the Fisher Stadium steps at Lafayette. Before running the steps, we did a number of warm up exercises like jogging the track followed by wind sprints then various lunges and suicides on the football field.

The routine we ran on the steps was simply designed, but tough to execute:

  • Round 1: Run the steps skipping every other step. Rest at the top and walk down as a group.
  • Round 2: Run the steps hitting every step. Rest at the top and walk down as a group.
  • Round 3: Run the steps skipping every other step until the tunnel. After the tunnel, run hitting every step. Rest at the top and walk down as a group.
  • Round 4: Run the steps however we wish (I repeated round 3). Rest at the top and walk down as a group.

My lungs feel more open and my body feels happy to have done something productive. I’d do it again (hint, hint, Chris!).

Fisher Stadium