Meet the Team

Emily Eng

Team Roles: Circuit Board Manager of the Electro-Mechanical Integration Subteam and Member of the Budget Team

Why This Project? I am currently taking a Human Interactions and Engineering Psychology course. This course goes over how things are designed for the human as a user rather than the technology where people need to adapt to the technology. With this in mind, I began to think of accessible Lafayette is to people with disabilities. The main category that came to mind were wheelchair users. Creating a wheelchair attachment for people that use wheelchairs will help make challenges that they face in their every day lives less tedious, things that we don’t even think about. 

Fun Fact: I was on the Lafayette College Rowing team my freshman year and we won gold at the largest rowing regatta in the NorthEast and had to retire after that due to back injuries from this sport. 

Drew Freeland

Team Roles: Effort Sensing Subteam & Planning Role

Why This Project? I’ve always had a desire to work within the medical device industry and to work with products that make a difference in peoples’ lives. This project is the perfect way to do that! This add-on will hopefully make daily activities for people who use wheelchairs much easier and for me the work that much more worth the while. 

Fun Fact: I love to sing and play guitar and I’m also on the Lafayette WBB team! #rollpards

Nick Moosic

Team Roles: Effort Sensing Subteam Member

Why This Project? For as widespread as wheelchair use is, there has been relatively little in the way of affordable innovations to wheelchairs. Not only is it interesting to work on the development of something new, but it’s exciting to be a part of a project that could better the lives of a wide audience of people.

Fun Fact: I’ve gotten really into juggling the last few years ever since I joined the Lafayette Juggling Club. I even ended up learning to ride a unicycle.


Carolyn Pye

Team Roles: Electro-Mechanical Integration Subteam Leader and Purchasing Coordinator, Budget Team, and IRB Team.

Why This Project? I have a lot of family members that work in the healthcare industries as well as a few friends who have been wheelchair bound from a young age so issues involving mobility. Despite how widespread mobility concerns seem to be, there is a lack of affordable assistive technology.

Fun Fact: I have had glasses since 2nd grade and contacts since 5th grade. I have 20/425 vision which is over twice the point that is considered legally blind. (That means that my vision 20 feet away is as unclear as looking at something 4 football fields away.)

Katie Rice

Team Roles: Propulsion Team Motor Leader, Member of the Budget Team and Scribe Team

Why This Project? One of the reasons that I am pursuing engineering is to be able to help people through design. I have been having many conversations about accessibility and the importance of making Lafayette’s campus and the world more accessible for everyone. I am grateful to have the opportunity to work on a project that will hopefully do exactly that.

Fun Fact: One of my favorite things to do on campus is conduct the Lafayette College Pep Band. We have so much fun making noise!

Nicole Stanec

Team Roles: Propulsion Subteam Leader, Member of the Scribe Team, Shop Liaison

Why This Project? What first drew me to this project was I had an interest in designing medical devices. I would love to use my knowledge to design a device that can improve the lives of people. After doing a lot of research at the beginning of the semester and talking with my group, I saw how people in wheelchairs struggled with inclines and declines on a daily basis. I think this is going to be a great project that will provide a power assist device for people in wheelchair users that is more affordable. 

Fun Fact: I love to ski! As a kid, my family and I would go to Copper Mountain, Colorado every spring break to go skiing and tubing (West coast best coast!).

Charlotte Sullivan

Team Roles: Current Team Leader, Member of Propulsion Subteam, Member of Scribe Team

Why This Project? I have a few close family friends who use wheelchairs and have difficulty with the current technologies in their wheelchairs. With further research on this topic our current project covers an important issue many people face. This project will hopefully help increase accessibility and autonomy for a lot of people. 

Fun Fact: I am very colorblind and didn’t know I was until high school. Also, the photo is at an FC Barcelona game!  

Geoffrey Toth

Team Roles: Propulsion Subteam Member

Why This Project?: I have always been interested in how various technologies such as 3D printing and medical devices can help benefit the lives of everyone. I have especially been interested in how we can utilize these in order to help people with various movement disabilities become more autonomous.

Fun Fact: I used the play the tuba and even participated in multiple state bands as well as various solo competitions.

Matt Urban

Team Roles: CAD manager and coding manager for the Electro-Mechanical Integration subteam.

Why This Project? My interest in Biomechanical Engineering is what initially pulled me toward this group. I've always been interested in how machinery and electronics can improve people's quality of life. In working with this group I feel like I can finally contribute to improving people's lives.

Fun Fact: Outside of Engineering, I'm a big fan of video games from video game development to game streaming culture. As a musician, I am especially interested in how video games make use of music.

Prof Utter

Team Roles: Advisor (not team leader) and “external technical consultant”

Why This Project? I have a general interest in medical device design and the team is motivated to innovate wheelchair designs.

Fun Fact: Radiatori is the best pasta shape.