Effort Sensing Design Modifications

In terms of general improvements for both of the measurement systems, in the future ideally the electrical components would be waterproofed. For the strain gauge subassembly, ideally smaller strain gauges would be used to allow for a smaller area to be milled out of the rods for their attachment so a type II full bridge configured could be used to increase accuracy and sensitivity. Lastly, an improved strain relief strategy would be implemented to prevent the strain gauges from breaking easily. 

Ideally for the measurement of linear motion a better system could be implemented to allow for the effort sensing functionality as originally planned. This could mean improvements to the code implemented or the use of different sensor options. Additionally, steps should ideally be taken to reduce the error in the angle measurements taken while the chair is in motion. Lastly, in terms of improvements surrounding the 9DoF sensor, a redesign of the mounting system would be beneficial. At the moment the sensor is mounted in a hard to reach location and would be difficult for a user to install. Determining a better placement option is important for future iterations of the chair.