
Dear STEAM Camp Supporters,

This year’s Lafayette Summer STEAM Camp will take place July 25th through 28th. Our theme for this year’s camp, “Every Piece Counts,” will emphasize how Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) are all equally important in making our world a more sustainable and worthwhile place for us to live.

You can find our 2016 STEAM Camp Registration Form and Flier attached to this page. We encourage supporters to share this information with friends and family, co-workers, and community members, and we urge families with rising 4th through 6th graders interested in attending the camp to register ASAP, as we take students on a first come, first served basis. Registration will close on Monday, June 13th .

As in past years, we will offer 12 to 16 education modules that will connect to our theme, and each camper will rotate through all of these modules over the four day event. Also, as in the past, we end the camp with a culminating “showcase event,” which parents, relatives, friends and community members are encouraged to attend. At the showcase event, campers will demonstrate how “Every Piece Counts” through lessons learned throughout the camp.

Based on positive feedback and repeat attendance over the last four years, we believe participants have found the camp experience a valuable one. At the same time, we hope parents and supporters realize that there is a significant cost to providing interesting and engaging, hands-on education delivered in small groups. The actual cost of our camp is approximately $450 per child. Over the past few years, this cost has been offset by a major educational grant. Unfortunately, this major source of outside funding has been exhausted. With this said, we have been diligently working to find other sources of funding, both small and large, to keep the camp affordable for families. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to raise the registration fee for this year’s camp to $150.

If you are able to make a personal donation, or if you can provide leads to potential donors, please contact one of our faculty advisors.

Lastly, we would like to announce a new addition to this year’s camp – our “CIT program.” Last year we piloted the Counselor-in-Training (CIT) program for graduates of STEAM camp who wanted to continue the experience, but at a more advanced level, i.e., working with our group counselors with the intent of honing development of youth responsibility and leadership skills. This year we are formally rolling out the program by bringing on at least six CITs. If interested in learning more about the positions and how to apply, please contact one this year’s STEAM Camp student leaders, Sarah Geller ‘17 or Daniel Gonzalez ’19, at the email address or phone number below.

Thank you,

Christian Tatu and Arthur Kney

2016 STEAM Camp Faculty Advisors


Phone Number: (484) 541-9363


STEAM Registration and Consent Forms

Steam Camp Flier