Last week, we drove 12 hours to Georgia for the Annual Novice National Tournament! We had a blast in the South, enjoying the warm weather, eating southern BBQ and trying out fast food that we don’t have in the Northeast. Thank you to our wonderful hosts at the beautiful Berry College campus in Rome, GA! Results are below
Extemporaneous, Tyler, 5th place
Impromptu, Aleksandra, 4th place, Brynne, 2nd place
Info, Aleksandra, 3rd place
DI, Amber, Novice National Champion!
Persuasion, Brynne, 5th place
Poetry, Alex, 6th place, Olivia, Novice National Champion!
POI, Alex, 3rd place
Prose, Alex, 5th place, Amber, 4th place, Olivia, Novice National Champion!
Crit, Tyler, 4th place
We debated on Friday as well. Results are below:
Tyler and Juan both advanced to the semi final round of IPDA. Juan was 4th place and Tyler advanced to the final round! He was 2nd place
Juan and Tyler both won speaker awards. Juan was 4th place speaker and Tyler was the Novice National champion 1st place speaker!
In addition to our regular season events, we competed in experimental events – Impromptu sales, public narrative and slam poetry. Results for the experimental events are below:
Imp Sales, Brynne, 5th place
Public Narrative, Tyler, 5th place
Slam Poetry, Olivia, 5th place, Alex, 3rd
Tyler was also 4th place in Individual Events sweepstakes!
Overall, the team took 2nd place in team sweepstakes! What an awesome weekend!
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