What is SLF?

Click to enlarge. Source: Ken’s Gardens


Lycorma delicatula is an invasive insect native to Asia. Since its arrival in PA in 2014, populations have proliferated to astronomical levels, wreaking havoc on the environment and economy.

They feed on  70+ plant species, weakening their hosts to the point of death while also secreting a sticky substance called honeydew that promotes mold growth.

Furthermore, the spotted lanternfly targets integral agricultural plants, threatening fruit, hardwood, and nursery/landscape industries, valued at nearly $18 billion in PA.​

As this species rapidly spreads to surrounding states, it is critical that effective mitigation techniques are discovered and implemented.


  • In South Korea, SLF damage to an organic vineyard caused “80.8% of grapes being unsuitable as table grapes” and “even three or five L. delicatula per potted grapevine was enough to significantly reduce growth.” (Cooperband et al. 2018)
  • “The USDA has identified L. delicatula as a potential pest of grapes, apples, cherries, apricots, peaches, and several other fruit and timber tree species.” (Wakie et al. 2019)
  • “The major at-risk commodity in the United States is grape, and the annual value of grape production at risk (based on where this pest can establish climatically) is over $5.5 billion.” (Technical Working Group Summary Report Spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula 2017)
  • ​“In Pennsylvania, this invasive insect pest is directly threatening the state’s $18-billion fruits, nursery and landscape, and hardwood industries. Profound impacts are also expected on the livelihoods of local producers and businesses and the quality of life of the residents in the infested areas.” (PDA)
  • “This pest poses a significant threat to the state’s more than $28 million grape, $87 million apple, and more than $19 million peach industries, as well as the hardwood industry in Pennsylvania which accounts for nearly $17 billion in sales.” (PDA)
  • “Overall, the expected impact of SLF in the quarantine zone is currently estimated to be $50.1 million total per year with a loss of 484 jobs.” (Harper et al. 2019)
  • “If SLF spread throughout Pennsylvania, then the expected losses would amount to $324.9 million annually with a loss of 2,810 jobs…Under the worst-case scenario, losses would increase to $554.0 million, with a loss of 4,987 jobs.” (Harper et al. 2019)​



  • Wilting, branch dieback, leaf curling
  • Plant death
  • Stunt growth of grapevines
  • Crop loss
  • Increased vulnerability to other insect attacks

Honeydew secretions

  •  Promotes sooty mold growth and fermenting odors
  • Attracts other harmful insects
  • Showers down from trees, coating things in sticky substance
  • Covers other plants, leading to wilting and death
  • Blocks photosynthesis
  • Contaminates agricultural products


Source: NYSIPM