Remember, you can reach out to us at any time if you have questions! You can also use the comment section below at the bottom of the page.
Dr. Waters – | Analisa – | SakibĀ –
1. How often do I take pictures of the trap(s)? We suggest doing one 3 hour interval or two 3 hour intervals. Be sure to note the start and end time of each interval. You will have to fill our form out once per interval you do.
2. Will I have to touch the bugs? We recommend using gloves to remove the sticky traps from the tree (and while placing them into the ziploc bags). Double bagging the trap adds another layer between you and the insects.
3. How do I upload the pictures I took on my phone to my computer for the form? You don’t necessarily have to use the desktop site to fill out our form. Simply access this website by typing in the URL ( into a mobile browser on your phone and proceed from there. When you go to upload your pictures, it will open your phone’s camera roll and you can import directly.
4. How many bags of sticky traps can I ship in one envelope? In a legal size envelope with 1 stamp, you can fit 3 traps.