Prof. Mónica Salas Landa to deliver March 25 Jones Faculty Lecture

Prof. Mónica Salas Landa to deliver March 25 Jones Faculty Lecture

Focusing on a little-known petroleum explorer, her talk will explore exploitation of Veracruz oil fields and how science is perceived. Read the interview here

New Books Network: Visible Ruins

New Books Network: Visible Ruins

Listen here

Q&A with Mónica M. Salas Landa/Visible Ruins

Q&A with Mónica M. Salas Landa/Visible Ruins

To access the interview, please click here 

Part II Seminar on Indigeneity | The “Tajin Totonac” In and Outside the Frame Representation and Alterity in the Photographic Archive of Isabel T. Kelly

Part II Seminar on Indigeneity | The “Tajin Totonac” In and Outside the Frame Representation and Alterity in the Photographic Archive of Isabel T. Kelly

Photo credit: Isabel T. Kelly Ethnographic Archive, DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, series 5: Photographs, Negatives, Slides, box 51. This presentation will look at the critical role ethnographic photographs played in actualizing the “indigenous other” imagined by midcentury Mexican anthropology and state-led developmentalism.