Gabriel Hernandez Shelfie

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Schearing, Linda S., and Valarie H. Ziegler. Enticed by Eden: How American Culture Uses, Confuses, (and Sometimes Abuses) Adam and Eve. Waco, TX: Baylor UP, 2013.

Finding a book can be difficult, but if you use the online catalog you can easily find related books to what you are looking. In my case, I wanted to find a book related to the Bible and interpretation. While doing so, the first book that got my attention was Enticed by Eden: How American Culture Uses, Confuses, (and Sometimes Abuses) Adam and Eve. I decided to search for it and reading the back, I found it very interesting. The back reads: “Sex, seduction, and perfect marriage. Though it may not have been the intent of Genesis 1-3, the biblical first couple has been used for generations to sell consumable goods and strange ideologies –both salacious and holy—to willing western buyers.” This got my attention and I wanted to know what the books purpose was. As I kept reading, the authors mention how both religious and secular groups have recast the archetypal image of Adam, Eve, and the Garden of Eden. To do this, they have consulted cultural artifacts and demonstrate how the ancient family has been born again in the image of man, woman, and marketplace. I think this book is a great example of interpreting the story of Adam and Eve and this book shows us that interpretations can change over time.

While I was checking out Enticed by Eden,I came across multiple books that talked about Evolution and Creation. This didn’t really surprise me as there is a lot of controversy on which one is correct. What really got my attention was the fact that a night before I saw a video that talked about creation and that discredited evolution. The speaker in the video had many interesting point like, how much faith does it take an atheist to believe that creation occurred due to an accident that started with one cell? How can chaos create order? And he said that how can intelligence of human beings be an accident, this required a creator, an intelligent creator. To further this, he says, the word universe means “one single spoken statement”. That is exactly what took God to create, we see this in Genesis where He said “let there be” and it was created. 

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