Pieters, Albertus. Notes on Genesis: For Minister and Serious Bible Students. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1947.
The author of Notes On Genesis, Albertus Pieters, states the position from which he writes the book right off the bat; immediately the reader has the knowledge that Pieters believes that the Bible is the true word of God, and also that he holds this belief from a Christian point of view. As a result we can use this book to study Christian interpretations of Genesis. As the title indicates that serious Bible students should read the book, it is likely that the text contains more than simply Pieters’ own opinions, but rather what he considers to be the most widely accepted interpretations of the book of Genesis. The title also states that the book is for ministers, indicating that it is useful for faith-based study as well as academic study.
I was able to find this book in the 200s (Religion) section of the basement floor of Skillman Library, as I have made use of several other books of similar nature from this location. These books tend to be older (the book I selected was published in 1947), which I find appealing as the majority of them stick to pure analysis and interpretation, whereas many of the newer books focus on cultural ramifications and the politics involved in interpreting the Bible in different ways. This section of the library includes books containing analysis of all aspects of the Hebrew Bible, from the perspective of Jews, Christians, University professors, and ministers.