Rice, John A. The Old Testament in the Life of Today. New York: Macmillan Company, 1921. Print.
My search for a book to use was more difficult than expected. I began my search on the library’s website and went to OneSearch. I typed in Adam and Eve because I find these characters in the Old Testament particularly intriguing. While looking for a book titled “Adam’s Sons, Eve’s Daughters,” (which wasn’t in its right spot on the shelf) I stumbled upon “The Old Testament in the Life of Today” by Rev. John A. Rice.
After flipping through this book I realized that this one may be even more interesting than the Adam and Eve book I intended on using! The Foreward section of the book strives to inform the audience what the author’s intent is in writing the novel. The author is trying to broadly outline the growth of the Old Testament so the reader can look at the stories within the Old Testament and eventually string them together to get the big picture. The author then states that a difficulty in the way the Scriptures are used comes from the “distance from us of the world out of which they came,” (Rice vii). I found this to be the most important message because the Scripture has little purpose if it cannot be applied to people in their lives today. Other books that surrounded this one were related in the fact that the topic was the Old Testament but the title of Rice’s work seemed most interesting.