I actually started researching just “world religions” to get a basic idea of what types of book s were in in the library. I found a lot of really interesting books on violence and war in religion but they were all online editions and not in the library. After that, I searched for “afterlife” because I was really interested in reincarnation and wanted to learn more about different interpretations of it. When I found this book it was by accident. I was looking for The Book of Miracles: The meaning of miracle stories in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.
I ended up finding section after section on religion and I just searched the stacks for a while. I ended up finding the section on afterlife and looked there for a while. I found this book called Tales of Lights and Shadows about the dualities of afterlife interpretations such as bright vs dismal and reincarnation vs heaven. I was drawn to the chapter about “Circling Paths and Endless Journeys” taking about reincarnation through different religions. There was a comparative subsection about Nirvana and other religions that was really similar to things we have gone over in class already.