In my searching prgress, I went to the library catalog and typed ‘Tibetan Assimilation Buddhism.’ Using those keywords, I found a book called “the Tibetan Assimilation of Buddhism” which I believe is the best fit of what I am interested. The reason that Tibetan Buddhism is appealing to me, because I visited Tibet 8 years ago. I was only 12 years old, and the most impressive scene of the visiting in Tibet is in the Potala Palace which there was a small scaled world which consists of many temples, and everything in that world is golden color. Our tour guide explained that only those who are enlightened can enter this world. The Potala Palace is a magnificent building. When I stood at the bottom of the Potala, I remembered that I saw hundreds of steps going upward to the palace. In addition, there are a bunch of barrels with scriptures on them along the Potala, and if people touch each of those, it means good luck I guess. That’s why I am so curious about Tibetan Buddhism.
The Tibetan Assimilation of Buddhism: Conversion, Contestation, and Memory written by Matthew T. Kapstein. The cover has a black and white photo of a Tibetan ritual temples, and the style looks similar to Potala Palace. In the contents, the author divides chapters into three big parts which are conversion and narrative, source of contestation, and myth, memory, revelation.
On the other hand, I am also thinking about getting another book called: Tibetan Buddhism: a very short introduction written by the same author as a reference.