
Computer Science Areas of Teaching:

Primary: Software Engineering (OO-Design, UML, interface design, requirements, testing.), Systems Software Development (CPU/memory arch., assembly lang., secure code, operating systems.)

Secondary: Data Structures; Ethics.

Tertiary: Database Infrastructure; Board-Game Design; Simulation.


  • CS203 – Computer Organization (lecture and lab)

Past Introductory Courses:

  • CS102 – Principles of Computer Science I Lecture and Lab (F03, S05, F06, S08, S09)
  • CS104 – Introduction to Game Programming Lab (F15)
  • CS105 – Digital Media Computing Lab (F13)
  • CS106 – Personal Robotics Lecture (S14, F14)
  • CS103 – Principles of Computer Science II Lecture and Lab (F10, S11)
  • CS150 – Data Structures & Algorithms Lecture and Lab (F12, F19, S21, F21, F22)

Past Core Computer Science Courses:

  • CS203 – Computer Organization (F03, F04, F05, F06, F07, F08, F09, F13, F15, F16, F17, F23, F24)
  • CS204 – Systems Programming (S04, S06)
  • CS205 – Software Engineering (S10, S13, F14, S15, S16, S17,F17, S18, S23, S24)
  • CS301 – Programming Languages (S18)
  • CS303 – Theory of Computation (F14)
  • CS320 – Database Management Systems (F08, F21, F22)
  • CS406 – Operating Systems (F04, S10, S22, S23, S24)
  • CS420 – Artificial Intelligence (F05, F07, F09, F22, F23)

Past Ethics-Oriented Writing Courses (V, W):

  • VAST269 – Reinventing the Machine (S04, S05, S06, S08)
  • VAST200 – Computers & Society (S09, S10, S11, S13)
  • CS200 – Computers & Society (F14, S16, S20, S21)

Past Courses for Non-Computer Science Majors:

  • CM151 – Introduction to Computational Science (S09, F10)
  • CM160 – Games as Models of the Natural World (STSC: F15, F20)
  • DS201 – Principles of Data Science (S24)