Newman Advisor: Fr. Kevin Bobbin


Father Kevin J. Bobbin is the Catholic chaplain serving Lafayette College. He is also currently the chaplain of Bethlehem Catholic High School. Father is from Northampton, PA, just a thirty-minute drive from Lafayette. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Allentown in 2005 and spent the last eleven years as an assistant pastor in four different parishes. Father most enjoys teaching and doing retreats for adults and youth and so is looking forward to dividing his time between high school and college.


President and Public Relations Chair: Dania Moctezuma

IMG_1709  Dania Moctezuma is the President and the chair of Public Relations for Newman. She is a Junior (Class of 2017). History major and Anthropology minor at Lafayette. She is a native from Chicago, IL and enjoys to travel around the country, singing, and take part of events that teaches the Lafayette community to become more aware of social injustices around the world. She works at Landis Center with the America Reads Program tutoring children in the Easton area. Her favorite place on campus is the reading room in Skillman Library studying away. If she is not there, she is most likely watching the latest episode of Chicago PD or Scandal. Dania has participated in Newman since the beginning of her Freshman year.


Vice President: Noelle K0sarek


Treasurer: Brandon Pugnet


Secretary: Walter J. Burkat


Interfaith Chair: Robert Sanchez
Robert Sanchez is a Senior here at Lafayette College. A double major in International Affairs and Philosophy, he has always been interested in a variety of social issues and how they affect different groups around the world. From urban poverty to LGBTQ rights, he is passionate about a variety of social issues. One of these issues is interfaith dialogue. Too often, religious groups do not bridge their doctrinal difference; they become mired in debate about which faith is “true” once and lose focus on  what is truly important: promoting harmony between people of different backgrounds through meaningful discussion and collaboration. Robert is both a Kaleidoscope Peer-Educator and a member of Newman, it did not take long for him to see that interfaith dialogue is something that is not occurring enough at Lafayette. Rob is the Interfaith Chair, and is doing his best to ensure Newman is an active participant in the ongoing campus discussion on interfaith matters.


Social Chair: Karolina Vera
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 Karolina Vera was born in Ecuador, but raised in NYC. She is currently a Junior here at Lafayette. Her interest include environmentalism, cross-stitching, Biology, and crossword puzzles. She values honesty, family and truth above all things. She is majoring in Environmental Science and hopes one day to make a difference in the world.