Arielle C. Mensch
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Lafayette College


Office: 228 Hugel Science Center
Lab: 221 Hugel Science Center
Phone: 610-330-3380

Prof. Mensch graduated from St. John Fisher College in Rochester, NY in 2012 and then decided to gradually move west. She completed her Ph.D. in Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2017 under the direction of Prof. Robert Hamers and as part of the interdisciplinary, multi-institution Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology. While at Wisconsin, she studied the interactions of nanomaterials with supported lipid bilayers, a model for cellular membranes. Following her Ph.D. work, she was a postdoctoral research associate with Dr. Galya Orr at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). While at PNNL, she used correlative super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and atomic force microscopy to study the interactions of nanomaterials and trout gill epithelial cells. In her free time, Prof. Mensch, loves college sports (Go Badgers!), board games, and hanging out with friends and family.

Current Group Members:

Vince DeMaria ’26

Belle Allen ’26

Angela Tsai ’26

Anna Silver ’25

Makenna Miller ’25

Past Group Members:

Emily Kessler ’25

Abrienne Biondo ’24 (Current: Pursuing nursing school)

Anna DiFelice, ’24 (Current: Pursuing PhD in Chemistry at University of Michigan)

Chris Yoler ’24 (Current: Pursuing PhD in Chemistry at Mississippi State University)

Elizabeth Good, ’22 (Current: Pursuing M.S. in Environmental Management in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Health at Duke University)

Carie Feigeles, ’22 (Current: Pursuing PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at Clemson University)

The Mensch group successfully escaped the lab before the bomb exploded!