Team Roles

Last updated: 2/9/23

This is an overview. For more detailed information, click the link above.

This semester we started to move away from individual team roles that we follow for a set amount of time. Instead we broke off into two sub team categories: prototype ideation and testing. These smaller sub teams allow for more team involvement and less need for specific roles.

Team Charter

Last updated: 11/17/22

This is an overview. For more detailed information, click the link above.

We adapted our team charter from a previous senior design team’s template. We went through point by point and refined the goals, checks, and processes to reflect our specific team’s values. The charter was written with the intention of being a flexible document that we can return to as we learn more about ourselves as a team.


Last updated: 11/17/22

This is an overview. For more detailed information, click the link above.

A broad timeline of the group’s progress is linked above in the form of a Gantt chart. Specific weekly deliverables are tracked on team agenda documents, which are prepared one meeting ahead of time by the team members in the Data Steward role. This keeps the group on track during meetings and ensures that deliverables — both those set by the senior design coordinators and by our team specifically — are met in a timely fashion. (November-end)


Coming in the spring!