Gantt Chart

Timeline for the semester is shown below. The first semester (September to December) focused on selecting the problem and formalizing all stakeholder functional requirements as well as beginning to plan for the second semester (January to May). During this time, the team was focused on the fabrication of the prototypes Read more…

Market Selection Process

Market Selection Process We began the market selection process by individually brainstorming markets of interest and then collectively using ranked-choice voting to narrow our field down to four top contenders: athletes, physical therapists, EMTs, and surgeons. Over the following two weeks we conducted interviews with experts in the aforementioned market Read more…

Broader Impacts

Broader Impacts Health: As a surgical tool, our main priority is to benefit the health of those who use the tool and who the tool will be used on. For us, this includes surgeons, nurses, and patients. As it has been noted, our problem causes surgeries to fail and overall Read more…


Motivation As a combination of Mechanical Engineers and Integrative Engineering: Bioengineers, we are a group that has a desire to mix engineering with the physiological components of the human body. After filtering through different ideas and topics that we could do for this project, we landed on improving ACL reconstruction Read more…


Identities Hospitals, Medical Practitioners (Surgeons, Nurses, Physical Therapists), Patients, and families.   Perspectives:  Through interviews with surgeons and outside research, we learned that there are many procedures that could be improved upon in terms of time, cost, and efficiency through the development of more specific tools. Surgeons communicated with us Read more…

Team Roles

Each member of the sub team is responsible for contributing to the task their group has been assigned. Additionally, each member of the three sub teams have been assigned a role. Those roles are leader, speaker, and notetaker. The leader is responsible for overseeing general progress of their team, the Read more…

Team Charter

Team Name: ARID   Date established: 08/30/22 Last updated: 11/17/22   GOALS: What are our team goals for this project?  What do we want to accomplish? What skills do we want to develop or refine? Manage / stay on top of deadlines by outlining HW assignments in the Slack / Read more…