Alpha Prototypes

Both Dune and Oasis were manufactured using only the Leopard Works 3D printers. This resulted in a budget of $0 for their manufacturing.

Testing setup required the purchase seen below.All other materials were borrowed from the machine shop.


Beta Prototype

The majority of items purchased were allocated to the testing team. The use of all materials for testing can be found on the testing page HERE. The only materials for testing that were not used was the wax. This material was intended to be used to form the leg structure around the bone, but proved to be too brittle upon testing.

The aluminum tubing was the only material purchased for the actual prototype. The Lafayette College shop had all the other materials needed in the creation of the prototype aside from magnets. Three different strength magnets were purchased to test out the strength. These magnets are what hold the ACL drill guide to the LET drill guide.


In total, ARID spent $1,211.15 on both prototypes including all testing materials. This is less than our allocated budget. To make a better use of our budget, we could have bought smaller amounts of materials to test at first before continuing on the buy a large quantity.

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