Who benefits the most from what you do?

  • Works with all age groups but majority older people

What do you enjoy most about your profession / daily work life?

  • Helping others, not having to be sitting all day, being active and busy

What do you enjoy least about your profession / daily work life?

  • The pay and how busy it is

What problems exist in your field of work that you would like to see solved?

  • Insurance issues
  • How busy it is
    • Treating one on one is rare, can’t focus on person at a time
  • Only three options for cardio recovery
    • Treadmill, recumbent bike, stationary bike

What tools/devices do you use the most often?

  • Goniometer – Measures range of motion
  • Inclomenter – Also measures range of motion
  • Blood pressure cups
  • Heart Rate monitors 
  • Hoyer lift – Lift people into the air to transfer them from their bed to their wheelchair
  • Sara lift – similar to Hoyer lift

Have you ever encountered an issue with a tool or device you use?

    • Aren’t always working the most,
    • Sarah lift and Hoyer lift have to be charged often
    • Issues with the charging part

    Are there any devices that you think more people should have access to in their own homes or in general?

    • The Hoyer lift electronic version is not covered by insurance.
    • It is really expensive so they have to buy a mechanical lift, which is more difficult to use.
    • More access to the electronic version at a lower price would be better. All the devices are pretty expensive and insurance doesn’t cover it.

    If you could have any additional tool or device, what would it do?

      • Better blood pressure cups, some take blood pressure heart rate and pulse ox but aren’t always working.
      • A more consistent device would be helpful

      Where do you see your profession heading in the future?

      • Big shift towards less insurance coverage and more cash based practices