Problem Discovery and Selection

This is an overview. For more detailed information, click the link above.


Combined each member’s passion with the feasibility of the project to determine what our project should be.

Broader Impacts

Advance the field of surgical tools to make surgeries more accurate and cheaper and to solve an issue that currently exists within the medical field.

Market Selection Process

Our market selection process included brainstorming markets of interest, narrowing the markets down, interviewing experts within each respective field, presenting our findings and using rank choice voting to decide on one market.


This is an overview. For more detailed information, click the link above.


Hospitals, Medical Practitioners (Surgeons, Nurses, Physical Therapists), Patients, Families, and insurance companies.


From our conversations with surgeons, physical therapists, and patients we found that development of more specific tools will lead to Improved time, cost, and efficiency for different procedures. Additionally, better tools will help with post-surgery recovery.


Some assumptions about the problem were made to narrow down our ideas. These include surgery being more time effective,  cost-effective and the recovery time after surgery could be improved.

Functional Requirements

This is an overview. For more detailed information, click the link above.

Objectives & Constraints

To better define our solution, objectives that are soft goals for our design to have, as well as constraints that our design must follow are outlined. These guidelines are accompanied by measurable specifications and metrics, which are described and justified.