Timeline for the semester is shown below. The first semester (September to December) focused on selecting the problem and formalizing all stakeholder functional requirements as well as beginning to plan for the second semester (January to May). During this time, the team was focused on the fabrication of the prototypes and testing them.

The progression of our prototype deemed to be successful as we finished all tasks on time. Tasks that took longer than planned include the design as well as the fabrication of the prototypes. Testing was only given one day to perform all the tests required and evaluate since we fell behind schedule with finalizing the parts. Many parts had to go through various iterations which took a lot of time.

The creation of the first prototype took less time as we were not focused on complete accuracy and rather on making sure the prototypes could function in a way we wanted. The downside to having a fast turn around for the prototypes was that there was less time allocated to planning. Eager to start CAD design, the team blew past planning the steps needed to complete before having finalized prototypes. These steps include planning out materials needed and thinking through how exactly testing would commence.

Beta prototype allowed the team to highlight what we had learned by starting with a planning session to make sure we had time for everything. Despite this, we still were on a time crunch to finish the fabrication of the parts for testing to begin. In the future, the team should make stricter deadlines to ensure the completion of the parts well before they are needed. In addition, there should be more testing stops along the way to make sure each part performs the way it was intended.

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